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IV. NOMINAL STEM FORMATION. PRIMARY NOMINAL DERIVATION. 121 kīstá-¹ 'singer', bastá-¹ 'he-goat'; n. r-tá- 'right', ghr-tá- '‘ghee', jā-tá- ‘kind', dyu-tá- (AV.) gambling', nrt-tá- (AV.) 'dance', pur-tá- 'reward', vra-tá- 'ordinance'; with accented and strong radical syllable: é-ta- ‘variegated'; m. gár-ta- car-seat', már-ta- 'mortal', vá-ta- 'wind', hás-ta- 'hand'; n. ás-ta- 'home', nák-ta- 'night'. a. In many past participles the suffix is added with connecting --, as raks-i-tá protected'. Some of these are used as n. substantives; thus jiv-i-tá- 'life', car-i-tá- 'behaviour'. Several words thus formed appear as adjectives only; thus tig-i-tá-3 'sharp', pal-i-tá- 'grey'; also some other names of colours with strong and accented radical syllable: ás-i-ta- 'black', róh-i-ta- 'red', lóh-i-ta- (AV.) ‘red', hár-i-ta- 'yellow'; sye-tá- 'white' is perhaps anomalously formed with -ita- from sya-4 'freeze's. -tar : agent. 6 146. The agent nouns formed with this very frequent suffix are often used participially, governing an accusative. The root is generally accented when they have this verbal force, but the suffix, when they are purely nominal (86A 22). The root regularly has Guņa, a and ā remaining unchanged; thus né-tar- ‘leader' (√nī-), hó-tar- ‘priest' (√hu-), kar-tár- ‘doer' ( √ kr-), bhet-tár- ‘breaker' ( √ bhid-), yok-tár- ‘yoker' (√yuj-); yas-tár- 'sacrificer' ( √yaj-), dã-tár- "giver'7. With weak root: us-tár- m. 'ploughing bull'. a. Less commonly the suffix is added to the root with connecting -/-: regularly when the root ends in more than one consonant, as vand-i-tár- 'praiser', but also often when it ends in a single consonant and sometimes when it ends in a vowel, as cod-i-tár- 'instigator', sav-i-tár- 'stimulator' (√sū-). b. The suffix is combined with -- instead of -i- in grábh-i-tar- (AV.) 'seizer', prati-grah-i-tár- (AV.) ‘receiver', sam-grah-i-tár- (VS.) ‘charioteer', pra- tar-i-tár- 'prolonger', a-mar-i-tár- 'destroyer'; with -u- in tár-u-tar- 'winning' and tar-u-tár- 'conqueror', dhán-u-tar- 'running swiftly', sán-u-tar- 'winning'; with -- in var-u-tár- 'protector'; with -o- in man-ó-tar- and man-o-tár- 'inventor'. c. These derivatives are very frequently compounded with prepositions"; e. g. pura-e-tár- 'leader', apa-bhar-tár- taking away', prav-i-tár- 'protector" (av- 'favour'), pra-sav-i-tár- 'vivifier'. d. They are very rarely formed from secondary conjugation or from tense stems, as coday-i-tár- 'stimulator' ¹2, bodhay-i-tár- 'awakener', né-s-tar-¹3, a kind of priest. From the reduplicated root is formed vavá-tar 'ad- herent'. e. Several names of relationship appear to be formed with this suffix. Being all very old words, the radical syllable is obscure in meaning or irregular They are já-ma-tar- 'son-in-law', duh-i-tár- ‘daughter', náp-tar- 'grandson', pi-tár- 'father', bhrá-tar- 'brother', ma-tár- 'mother'. in form. 7-tur appear, instead of -tar in yan-túr- beside yan-tár- 'guide' and in sthā-túr- beside ¹ These two words are of doubtful origin. 2 If derived from vr- 'choose' with ano- malous form of radical syllable; but accord- | sthā-tár- 'stationary'. ing to WHITNEY (1176 b) it is to be ex- plained as vrat-á- formed from vrt- 'turn' like vraj-á- from Vurj-. 3 With anomalous guttural before -i-. 4 Originally perhaps 'rimy', cp. Śi-tá- 'cold'. 5 The f. of these adjectives of colour is formed from other stems: éni-, ásikni-, pálikni-, róhini-, lóhinī- (AV.), śyénī-, hárini-. 6 See the lists in LINDNER p. 72-75- 8 The f. of these words is formed with from the weak stem, i. e. in -trī. - 9 Except dams-tár- (AV.) 'biter'. 10 Connected with the present stem manu-te etc. of man- 'think'. 11 See LINDNER p. 73.f. 12 In the f. coday-i-tr-i-. 13 From the aorist stem of ni- 'lead'.