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128 I. Allgemeines UND Sprache. Vedic Grammar.

tutu-md- 'powerful'; substantives: m. aj-md- 'course', idh-md- 'fuel', ghar-md- ■'heat', //ar-»«a- 'breaker', (//Jz7-«ii- 'smoke', fiar-md-{YS.) 'jest', ruk-md-' oxnaxaexit', hi-ind- 'cold'.

2. Accented on the root: substantives: m. e. g. fl-ma- 'friend' {av- ■'favour'), e-ma- (VS.) 'course', dhdr-ma- (AV. VS. TS.) 'ordinance', bha-ma- ■'brightness', sdr-ma- 'flow', so-ma- 'Soma' ( ]/^«,;-), stS-ma- 'praise' ( J^.f/«-), hS-ma- 'offering'; f. hl-ma- 'winter'; n. bil-ma- 'chip'.

a. The suffix seems to be added once with connecting -a- (which really belongs to a present stem) in the f. sar-d-md- 'the fleet one', N. of a goddess.

-man : action and agent. 165. This suffix forms a large number of derivatives', which are almost exclusively action nouns. The great majority of these are neuters accented on the root, but there are also a good many masculines accented on the suffix. Besides these occur a few agent nouns, mostly accented on the suffix, both adjectives and masculine substantives, all of them, except brah-mdn- 'priest', of rare occm-rence. The same word in several instances varies in meaning according to the accent and gender^; e. g. dhdr-man- n. ordinance', m. dhar-mdn-^ 'ordainer'. The root in these derivatives usually takes Guna; in a few instances it has Vrddhi or lengthens a; sometimes it is weak. The suffix is often added with the connecting vowels -i- or -T-. The derivatives are occasionally compounded with prepositions, which are then nearly always accented.

1. Examples of action nouns are: n. dd-man- 'food', e'-man- 'course', Jidr-man- 'action', kars-man- 'goal', jdn-man- 'birth', tra-man- 'protection', dd-man- 'gift' {da- 'give') and 'bond' {da- 'tie'), nd-man- 'name', pdt-man- 'flight', ■brdh-man- 'devotion', bhdr-man- 'table', bhii-man- 'world', vdk-man- 'invocation', vdrt-man- 'course', ves-man- 'dwelling', sdk-man- 'power', ids-man- 'praise', sdk-man- 'power', ho-man- 'sacrifice' {yhu-) and 'invocation' {Y hu-); with connecting -/-: jdn-i-man- 'birth', vdr-i-man- 'expanse' (beside var-i-mdn- m.); with connecting-/"-: (fi2>-r-/«««- 'destruction', dMr-T-man-'ordma.nce',/dr-t-fnan-i ■'abundance', bhdr-i-man- 'maintenance', vdr-i-man- 'expanse', sdr-T-man- 'course', sdv-T-man- 'impulse'*, hdv-i-man- 'invocation'. — m. us-mdn- (AV. VS.) 'heat', -o-mdn- 'favour', je-mdn- (VS. TS.) 'superiority', dragh-mdn- (VS.) 'length' (beside dragh-i-mdn-), pap-mdn- (AV.) 'wickedness', bhu-mdti- 'abundance', vid-mdn- 'knowledge', svad-mdn- 'sweetness', he-mdn- 'impulse'; with connecting -/-:

jar-i-mdn- 'old age', prath-i-mdn- 'breath', mah-i-mdn- 'greatness', var-i-mdn-, .vars-i-mdn- (VS.) 'height' (beside vdrs-man- and vars-mdn-), har-i-mdn- 'yellowness'.

2. Agent nouns accented on the suffix are: dar-yndn- 'breaker' jia-mdn- 'giver', dhar-mdn- 'supporter', brah-mdn- 'one who prays', bhuj-mdn- 'fertile', vad-mdn- 'speaker', sad-mdn- 'sitter', so-mdn- 'Somapresser'; accented on the root: ds-man- 'stone', o-man- 'friend', je-man- 'superior', bhds-man- 'chewing'5.

a. The following words are according to difference of accent neuter action nouns or masculine agent nouns da-man- 'gift' and da-man- 'giver'; dhar-inan- 'ordinance' and -dhar-man- 'ordainer'; brdh-man- 'worship' and brah-mdn- 'priest'; sad-man- 'seat' and sad-man- 'sitter'.

1 Forlists of these see GRASSMANN.Worter- I 4 Also j-/c?-J-»ia«- 'spreading' used in the buch 1730 f.; Lindner p. 91 — 93. loc. as an infinitive.

2 Somewhat in the same way as the i 5 In a compound also s^ adu-ks dd-man- -derivatives in -as (126). i 'having sweet food'.

3 Also with anomalous -e-:Jidr-e-man-[S'^-.). ^