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IV. NOMINAL STEM FORMATION. PRIMARY NOMINAL DERIVATION. 133 -vi : agent. 182. This rare suffix is used to form some half dozen adjectives and one f. substantive, partly from the simple root (which is accented), partly from the reduplicated root (of which the reduplicative syllable is accented). The adjectives are: ghis-vi- 'lively', jír-vi-¹ (AV.) 'aged', dhrú-vi- 'firm'; jágr-vi- 'watchful', dá-dhr-vi- 'sustaining', di-di-vi- 'shining 2; f. dár-vi-3 'ladle'. -vit: agent. 183. This suffix, which is perhaps an extension of -vi with -t, occurs in the single form cikit-vit (RV¹.) 'deliberately'. -sa: agent. 184. This suffix is used to form about two dozen adjectives and substan- tives of all genders. It is added to the root with or without the connecting vowels -- or --. The accent is sometimes on the suffix, sometimes on the root, which is usually unstrengthened. Many of these derivatives are of obscure origin. The suffix is added direct in: gŕt-sa- 'adroit', -dk-sa-4 (VS.), prk-șá- 'dappled' (Vprc-); út-sa- m. 'fountain', kit-sa-, N. of a man, ghram-sá- m. 'sun's heat', drap-sá- m. 'drop', ruk-sá- m. 'tree'; bhi-sá-5 f. 'fear'. a. The suffix is added with a connecting vowel (-i-, --) in: tav-i-şá-6 'strong', bhar-i-sá- ‘rapacious', mah-i-șá- 'mighty'¹; rj-i-sá- ‘rushing', ṛbí-sa-³ n. 'chasm', púr-i-sa- n. 'rubbish'; man-i-șá- f. 'devotion'; ar-u-sá-9 'red', aś-úș-a- 'voracious', tár-u-sa- m. 'overcomer', púr-u-sa- m. 'man', mán-u-sa- 'man'; ang-u-sá- m. 'hymn', piy-u-sa- n. 'biestings'. -sani : agent. 185. This suffix is found only in the derivatives car-şani- 'active', f. pl. 'people', and par-sáni- 'carrying across' (pr- 'cross'). 186. This suffix appears perhaps in sap-sará- (1. 168⁹) homage'. -sara: agent. only in mat-sará- 'intoxicating' (Vmad-) and inspiring awe' (?) if derived from sap 'do -sas : action. 187. This suffix seems to be contained in váp-sas- (RV¹.) 'beauty' (?) ¹⁰, and possibly in tár-u-sas- (RV.) 'superior' (Vtr-). -sna : agent. 188. This suffix (perhaps syncopated for -sana) forms some half dozen adjectives and m. or n. substantives: tīk-sná- 'sharp' (√tij), de-sná-¹¹ n. 'gift' ¹ From jr-'age'; see WHITNEY's note on AV. XIV. 121, The RV. has jív-ri-. 2 The derivation of pra-pharví (RV¹.) is uncertain. 3 In VS. dárvi- in the vocative darvi. 4 In i-dk-sa- (VS.) 'looking like this' 'such' (from dr- 'see'). 5 Only in the I. s. bhișa which is a con- traction for bhiyasā. 6 The f. is távişi-. 7 The f. is máhiși-. 8 The absence of cerebralization in the s, together with the b, makes the origin of this word quite uncertain; it is most probably borrowed. 9 The f. is áruşī-. 1o This is Sāyaṇa's interpretation of the word. 11 Generally to be read trisyllabically as da-işná-.