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IV. Nominal Stem Formation. Secondary Nominal Derivation. 137

203. The suffix -lya forms fewer than a dozen general adjectives, of which only two occur in the RV.; e. g. arjik-iya-, designation of a Soma vessel, grha-medh-iya- 'relating to the domestic sacrifice'; ahav-an-iya- (AV.) 'sacrificial fire', parvat-iya- (AV.) 'mountainous'. This suffix also appears in the three ordinals dvit-iya- 'second', trt-iya- 'third', tur-tya- 'fourth'.

204. The suffix -ena with Vrddhi of the initial syllable, occurs only once, forming a general adjective, in its feminine form samidh-eni- 'relating to fuel' {samtdk-).

205. The suffix -enya was doubtless originally formed by the addition of -ya to derivatives made with -na, but it nearly always has a primary value as forming gerundives; e.g. drs-inya- 'worthy to be seen'. It appears, however,^ also in the two ordinary adjectives kirt-enya- 'famous' {ktrti- 'fame') and vir-enya- 'manly' {vird- 'hero').

206. The suffix -e/ff, with Vrddhi of the initial syllable, is employed to form fewer than a dozen adjectives of a patronymic or metronymic value and some half dozen adjectives of a general character, the latter occasionally appearing in the neuter as abstract substantives; e. g. ars-eyd- 'descended from a seer' {fsi-), adit-eya- 'son of Aditi'; pdurus-eya- 'relating to man' (purusa-), mdun-eya- 'position of a sage' {muni-). Two words with this suffix are formed without initial Vrddhi, following the analogy of gerundives from roots ending in a like deya- 'to be given' {da- 'give'): didrks-eya- 'worth seeing' (as from didrk-sa- 'desire to see') and sabh-eya- 'fit for an assembly' {sabhd-).

207. The very rare suffix -eyya forms adjectives with a gerundive sense in sius-eyya-"- 'praise-worthy', and sapath-eyya- (AV.) 'worthy of cursing'. It also forms an ordinary adjective used as a neuter substantive, sahas-eyya- n. 'lying together' («- 'lie)'.

208. The suffix -ka was probably used originally to form adjectives expressive of connexion, but it has become so attenuated in meaning as often to be added to substantives or adjectives without changing the sense; while on the other hand it has become specialized as a suffix forming diminutives.

1. Examples of its significant use are: dnia-ka- 'making an end' {dnta-), rupa-ka- (AV.) 'having an assumed form' {rupd- 'form'); asmd-ka- 'our' {asmd- 'us'), mdma-ka- 'my' {mama 'of me'); dnti-ka- 'near' {dnti 'before').

2. The suffix appears without changing the meaning in e. g. dura-kd- 'distant' {dura- 'far'), vamra-kd- 'ant' {vamrd- 'ant'), sarva-kd- (AV.) 'all' {sdrva-), and in the fem. form of -ka in : avi-ka- 'ewe' {dvi- 'sheep'), isu-kd- (AV.) 'arrow' {hu-), dhenu-ka- (AV.) 'cow' {dhenu-). 3. The diminutive sense appears in e. g. arbha-kd- 'small', kumara-kd- 'little boy', pada-kd- 'little foot', putra-kd- 'little son'^. Sometimes a contemptuous meaning is conveyed at the same time, as in anya-kd- 'other' {anyd-), dla-ka-m 'in vain' {dla-m 'enough')^.

a. With Vrddhi in the first syllable is formed mama-kd-'- 'belonging to me' {mama); and with connecting -?-: vdrs-i-ka- (AV. VS.) 'belonging to the rains' {varsd-), vdsant-i-ka- 'belonging to the spring' {vasantd-), and in the fem. kairat-ikd- (AV.) 'relating to the Kiratas'.

209. The rare secondary suffix -ia has an ordinal sense in eka-td- (VS.)

1 This gerundive is probably based on the infinitive stiise 'to praise'; cp. Brugmann, Grundriss 2, p. 1422 (5).

2 The feminine of some of these diminu- tives is formed with -ika : iyatt-ikd- 'so

small', kumarika.- (AV.) 'little girl', kharv- ika- (AV.) 'mutilated', sakunt-ikd- 'little bird', iit-ikd- 'cool' (AV. Slid- 'cold').

3 Cp. Whitney 521.

4 Beside the more normal mdma-ka-.