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I. ALLGEMEINES UND SPRACHE. 4. VEDIC GRAMMAR. a. Prepositions as first member sometimes appear in a shortened form; thus bhi- abhí ¹ in bhi-şáj-²: ‘healer'; o- = ava in o-gaṇá- ('away from the crowd') 'isolated', 'wretched', and in o-paśá- ‘top-knoť' ('that which is tied down', from pas- 'fasten'). On the other hand, ánu several times appears lengthened to anu-: thus an-anu-kṛtyá- 'inimitable', an-anu-dá- 'not giving way', án-anu-dista- 'unsolicited', án-ānu-bhuti- 'disobedient', ānu-şák 'in constant succession'. 148 250. Sam and sa-. The preposition sám is of very common occur- rence as first member. This is its form invariably before vowels, and when accented originally always before consonants. Its unaccented form sa- (= sm-) should phonetically always appear before consonants. But the proper use of sám- and sa- before consonants has begun to be confused. a. In determinatives (1) when the final member is a verbal noun sam- always appears before a vowel, as sam-ańká- (AV.) ‘hook’ (from añc- 'bend'), sam-idh- "fuel'; and sám- if accented predominates 3 before consonants, being phonetic; e. g. sám-gati- f. 'coming together', sám-dhātr- 'one who puts together', sám-prkta- ‘mixeď. sá-, however, also occurs in sá-gdhi- (VS. MS.) f. 'eating together', sá-cyuti- (MS. II. 7¹²) 'falling together', sá-pīti- (VS. MS.) f. 'drinking together', sá-huti- f. 'joint invocation'. (2.) sa- is preserved before accented verbal nouns formed from the simple root with or without -t, or with the suffixes -a, -ana, -van, -in; thus sa-cit- 'thinking', sa-bádh- (TS. III. 2. 124) 'oppressed', sa-yúj- 'united', sa-výdh- 'increasing together', sa-stúbh- (TS. IV. 3. 122), a kind of metre. sa-syád- 'streaming together' 4; sa-ksi-t- 'dwelling together', sa-sri-t- 'streaming's; sa-gm-á- (VS.) 'coming to terms', sa-jósa- 'unanimous', sa-mádana- 'conflict'; sa-ya-van- 'going along with', sa-yig-van- 'united with', sa-sthá-van- 'standing together', sa-ji-t-van- 'victorious'; sa-vas-in- (AV.) 'dwelling together'7. = (3.) Before ordinary adjectives sam- appears in sám-vasu- 'fellow-dweller', sám-miśla- 'commingling', sám-priya- (VS.) 'loving one another', and even when unaccented before ordinary substantives in sam-vatsará- 'year', sam- grāmá- (AV.) 'assembly', but sa-pátní- 'co-wife'. b. In Bahuvrihis when the meaning is (1.) 'together' (as in the verbal use of the preposition) sam- appears, as sám-hanu- (AV.) 'striking the jaws together', sam-gavá- m. '(time when the) cows (are driven) together', and (as usual before vowels) sam-udrá- m. 'sea'. But when the meaning is (2) 'united with', 'accompanied by' what is expressed by the final member, sa- is almost exclusively used (and nearly always even accented), as sá-cetas- 'accompanied by intelligence', 'rational'; sam- occurs here only in sám-sahasra- 'accompanied by a thousand', and in sám-patnī- (AV.) ‘accompanied by her husband's. In this sense sam- still appears before vowels in sám-agra- and sam-agrá- (AV.) (including the top'), 'complete', sám-anga- (AV.) 'accompanied by all limbs' to, 'complete', sám-āśir- 'accompanied by mixture', 'mixed'; but even here sa- once in the RV. takes the place of sam- in the compound sāšana- (x. 904) IO ¹ The initial a- of some other prepositions is lost in the later language: pi-- ápi (ŚB.); dhi- ádhi and va- = áva are post-Vedic. 2 See WACKERNAGEL 2¹, p. 72 e, and cp. BRUGMANN, KZ. 25, 214, note. = 3 sam- occurs more than three times as often as sa- before consonants, doubtless owing to the parallel use of sam- with verbs. 4 But also sam-gir- 'assenting', sam-yát-

  • contiguous'.

5 But also sam-ji-t- 'conqueror', sam-há-t- 'layer'. 6 But also sam-gamá- 'coming together', sam-cárana- 'suitable for walking on. 7 With verbal nouns otherwise formed, as with tra or -na only sam- occurs, as sam-hotrá- joint sacrifice', sam-praśná- 'inter- rogation'. 8 With the usual Bahuvrihi accent on the first member. 9 In order to distinguish this sense from that of sa-pátni- 'co-wife'. 10 Cp. also the adv. sam-antá-m (AV.) ‘in- cluding the ends', 'completely'.