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I. ALLGEMEINES UND SPRACHE. VEDIC GRAMMAR. - L. m. áśva-nirniji 'adorned with horses'. - f. sam-sýji 'collision'. V. m. ghŕta-nirņik, sam-rāṭ. Du. N. A. V. m. yúñjā¹, yújā; ṛtv-ijā, tanū-tyájā ‘risking one's life', puru-bhuja (V.) 'enjoying much', púşkara-sraja, prātar-yújā, brahma-yuja "harnessed by prayer', bhi-sája, mano-yúja (VS. AV.), vaco-yúja, sam-rájā, sa-yújā, sākam-yújā joined together', su-yújā; anu-vŕjau (AV.) a part of the body near the ribs, apna-rájau 'ruling over wealth' (apna- = apnas), bhi-sajau (V.), sam-rájau, sa-yújau (AV.), su-yújau (AV.). f. aśva-yújau (AV.) 'harnessing horses'. D. m. bhi-ságbhyām (AV.). G. m. sam-rajos. Pl. N. m. yújas; ā-yújas (AV.) ‘joining on', rtv-íjas, V. rtv-ijas (AV.), krtá-dhvajas ‘furnished with banners', giri-bhrájas ‘glittering on the mountains', ghrtá-nirnijas, tanu-tyájas, divi-yájas worshipping in heaven', dur-yújas 'difficult to be yoked', nih-sijas 'pouring out', pitu-bhájas enjoying food', pūrva-bhájas, prtanájas (-ajas), pra-yújas (AV.), brahma-yújas, bhi-sájas, mano- yujas, mitra-yújas joined in friendship', ratha-yújas, varsá-nirnijas 'clothed with rain', vama-bhájas ‘partaking of goods', višva-sýjas (AV.) 'all-creating', sam-rájas, V.sam-rājas, su-yújas, sva-yújas ‘allies', sva-rájas, hárita-srajas (AV.) 'wearing yellow garlands'. f. úrjas, tújas, bhújas; abhi-yújas 'assailants', go-bhájas 'bestowing cows', nir-nijas, prkṣá-prayajas 'in which oblations begin to be offered', pra-yújas, vi-rájas (VS. xvII. 3), stana-bhújas 3 'enjoying the udder', sv-ā-yújas ‘easy to yoke'. 184 A. m. vijas 'stakes' (at play); ádhi-nirnijas 'covered over', ašva-yújas, catur-yújas 'yoked as (a team of) four', sapha-rújas, sa-yújas, su-yújas. f. tújas, bhújas, srájas; abhi-yujas. I. m. aruna-yúgbhis 'furnished with ruddy (rays)', ṛta-yúgbhis, vi-yúgbhisª (AV.), su-yúgbhis, sva-yugbhis. - D. f. pra-yúgbhyas ( 8) 'impulses'. Ab. m. bhi-şágbhyas (AV.) — G. m. rtv-ijam, bhi-şájām. - f. urjám, bhujám; nír-majām 5. — L. f. srakṣú; pra-yákşu (AV.) 'offerings'6. 303. Stems in derivative -j. - There are seven m. and f. adjectives or substantives formed with the suffixes -aj and -ij: á-svapnaj- 'sleepless', trsnáj- 'thirsty', dhrsáj- 'bold', sanáj- 'old'; us-j 'desiring', bhur-ij- f. 'arm', van-ij- m. 'trader'. There is also the n. ásrj-7 'blood', which is of obscure etymology, but the of which is probably a reduced suffix. The forms occurring are the following: - Sing. N. m. usik, vaník. - n. ásrk.- A. m. uśíjam, trsnájam, vanijam (AV.)— I. usijä (VS. xv. 6) 'ghee'. D. m. trsnáje, vanije.-G. m. usijas. Du. N. f. sanájā. — G. f. bhurijos. - L. f. bhurijos. Pl. N. m. usijas, trsnájas, á-trsnajas, dhṛṣájas, á-svapnajas. — f. ušijas.- A. m. usijas. - I. m. usigbhis. - D. m. usigbhyas. G. ušijām. — 1 Strong form (301). 2 Occurring once (x. 68¹), bhraj- being a reduced form of bhraj-; cp. D. m. mrtá-bhraje, G. f. bhrajás (AV.); cp. p. 183, notes 9 and 12. 3 The Pada text reads stana-bhújas. 4 See WHITNEY's note on AV. VII. 4¹. 5 A word of doubtful derivation and meaning, occurring only once (VIII. 4²0). - 2. Cerebral Stems. 304. There is only one doubtful derivative stem in -t, raghát-, which occurs in the single form ragháțas (AV. VIII. 72), possibly a mistake for raghávas 'swift'. 6 The corresponding form is pra-yátsu in TS. iv. I. 8¹ and VS. xxvII. 14. 7 Cp. BRUGMANN, Grundriss 2, p. 559, 560. 8 See LANMAN 466, and WHITNEY, note on AV. VIII. 724.