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189 'going to the sky', yoş-it- f. 'young woman', roh-it- f. 'red mare', sar-it- f. 'stream', har-it- f. 'fallow'; (4) -ut: mar-út- m. 'storm-god'; (5) with secondary -t: the two neuters yakr-t-¹ (AV.) 'liver', śákr-t-2 'excrement', and perhaps the etymologically obscure m. nápāt³ 'descendant', all three of which are supple- mented in the weak cases by the stems yakán-, śakán- and náptr- respectively. The inflexion of this group of stems is the same as that of the radical -t stems. VI. DECLENSION. NOUNS. I NOUNS. CONSONANT STEMS. Inflexion. 310. Sing. N. m. taḍít, tánū-nápat 'son of himself', nápāt, prá-napāt 'great-grandson'. - f. parāvát, pravát, rohit, sarit (VS. XXXIV. 11). - n. yákrt (VS. AV.), śákrt. A. m. tánū-nápātam, nápātam. - f. arvavátam, paravátam, pravátam, yoşitam, rohitam (AV.), samvátam (AV.). I. m. divita. f. udváta, devátata, nivátă, pravátā, nivátā, pravátā, satyátātā ¹, sarvátātā ¹, harita. D. f. devátāte. There is also the transfer form avirat-e (from a-vira-ta- 'lack of sons'). Ab. f. arvāvátas, udvátas³, nivátas³, parāvátas, pravátas, samvátas. G. f. pravátas. L. f. arvāváti, uparátāti, devátāti, parāváti, vrkátāti. V. m. tanu-napat, napat. Du. N. A. V. m. nápata. - f. harita. G. f. haritos. - Pl. N. m. nápatas, marútas, haritas.f. avátas (AV.), udvátas, taditas, parāvátas (AV.), pravátas, yoșitas (AV.), saritas, haritas. A. m. marútas. - f. udvatas, nivátas, parāvátas, pravátas, yoșitas (AV.), rohitas, samvátas, sarítas, haritas. I. m. marúdbhis. - f. pravádbhis. - D. m. marúdbhyas. Ab. m. marúdbhyas. G. m. marútām. - f. pravátām. L. m. marútsu. - f. udvátsu, nivátsu, pravátsu. V. m. indra-marutas 'O Indra and the Maruts', napātas, marutas. Participial Stems in -at and -ant. 311. Participles in -at are almost limited to the present active form of stems made with reduplication, viz. those of the third class (457) and of intensives (545). The old reduplicated participle (from ga- 'go') jágat- 'going', 'living', is used chiefly as a n. substantive meaning 'the animate world'. The analogy of these participles is followed by a few others formed from un- reduplicated stems: dás-at- 'worshipping', sás-at- 'instructing'7; also dákṣat- and dháksat-, the aor. participle of dah- burn'. A few others, again, originally participles, having come to be used as substantives, have shifted the accent to the suffix: vah-át-8 'stream', veh-át-9 (AV. VS.) f. 'barren cow', vagh-át-¹0 m. 'sacrificer', srav-át- f. 'stream'; like the regular participle sáśc-at- (from sac- 'accompany'), which as a substantive becomes saśc-át- m. 'pursuer'. In 1 Cp. Lat. jecur. 2 Cp. BRUGMANN, Grundriss 2, p. 559. 3 The suffix may here have been a pri- mary - added to the root pā: cp. LEU- MANN'S etymology (1888), Festgruss an Böht- lingk 77 f.; BRUGMANN 2, p. 366. 4 These forms might be locatives of devátāti-, satyátāti-, sarvátāti-. 5 These forms might be A. pl. 6 Perhaps marut in evayá-marut. 7 LANMAN 505, would place dăsat- “in- juring here, but there is no evideuce, as only a weak case, dásatas G. sing., occurs. 8 But váh-ant- 'carrying'. 9 The derivation of this word is obscure. 10 In one or two passages vāghát- still retains its participial sense. 11 But sráv-ant- 'flowing'.