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VI. DECLENSION. NOUNS. CONSONANT STEMS. strong and weak forms is regularly made, -ant appearing in the former only and being reduced to -at in the latter, which shift the accent, if resting on the suffix, to the ending. These participles are declined in the m. and n. only, as they form a special f. stem in -ī'. The m. and n. forms are the same, except of course in the N. A.; the former are very frequent, the latter rare. Inflexion. 314. The forms occurring, if made from bhávat- 'being', would be as follows: — Sing. N.m. bhávan². - n. bhávat. ·A. m. bhávantam. ·I. m. n. bhávatā. - D. bhávate. Ab. m. n. bhávatas. - G. m. n. bhávatas. - L. bhávati. Du. N. A. V. m. bhávantā and bhávantau. — n. bhávatī. D. bhávad- bhyām. G. m. n. bhávatos. - - - — - · Pl. N. m. bhávantas. n. bhávanti. A. m. bhávatas. I. bhávadbhis. D. m. bhávadbhyas. Ab. m. bhávadbhyas. G. m. n. bhávatām. L. m. n. bhávatsu. Forms actually occurring are the following. It is unnecessary to enumerate all the m. N. and A. forms, as in the RV. alone 228 forms of the N. sing., 121 of the A. sing., and 166 of the N. pl.3 occur. Sing. N. m. Examples are: árcan, sidan; ghnán, yán, sán; pásyan; icchán; krnván, sunván; bhanján; jānán; jandyan; yúyutsan; karişyán. Also dán, 'tooth'; maháns. — n. anát, ásato, ismát, éjat, ésat7, kulayáyat, cárat, citáyat, trpát, dhrsát, pátat, patáyat, minát, yát, raghuyát, várdhat, samsat, siksat, su&yat, sát, sunvát; adj. brhát, mahát, risat; aor. sáksat (Vsah-); fut. bhavisyát (AV.). As adv. with shift of accent: dravát 'swiftly' (dru- 'run'), drahyát 'firmly' (irregular formation from drh- ‘be firm'). 191 - - 4 Occurring also in several compounds a-dán 'toothless', etc. ; ubhaya-dam (AV. v. 19²) must be emended to -dann. 5 mahám in II. 24¹¹, IV. 23¹, IX. 1097 is A. m. Examples are: cárantam; yántam, uśántam, sántam; yúdhyantam; vidhántam; krnvántam; prñcántam; grnántam; dítsantam; dántam; brhántam, mahántam. I. m. á-ghnata, ávatā, á-sunvata, cáratā, jānatá, tujatá, púṣyatā, bhindatá, vanuşyată; đată, śyāvá-datā (AV.) 'dark-toothed', brhatá, mahatá, rúsatā. n. á-drpyata, d-sredhata, á-hedata, ásata, usatá, gavyatá, tvāyatá, dhṛṣatá (adv.), śucatá, śravasyatá, samaryatá, sumnāyatá; brhatá, mahatá, rúšatā. D. m. I. from stems accented on the suffix: avasyaté, aśvāyaté, isayaté, isudhyaté, iṣūyaté, uśaté, ṛjūyaté, ṛtāyaté, kṛṇvaté, gavyaté, grnaté, juraté, jānaté, tvāyaté, devayaté, dvișaté, dhiyāyaté, dhūnvaté, prnaté, prcchaté, brahmanyaté, mahayaté, mānavasyaté, yajñāyaté, yaté, vanvaté, vidhaté, śrnvaté, śravasyaté, sakhiyaté, saté, siñcaté, sunvaté, stuvaté; rhaté, brhaté, mahaté; fut. avisyaté. n. sucaté, sanāyaté. 2. from stems accented on the radical or the penultimate syllable: á-ghnate, a-codáte⁹, á-minate, árcate, árhate, yakşate, cárate, cétate, tárate, ¹ On the difference in the form of this f. | regarded by BENFEY as N. sing. m. (Göttinger stem see 201, 377, 455, 461, etc. Nachrichten 1878, p. 190). 2 On the Sandhi of such nominatives see LANMAN 506. 3 Lists of the participle stems will be found below under each of the conjugational classes, under the secondary conjugations, and under the future. 6 For á-sat (VII. 104¹2); the Pada reads ásat. 7 The Pada reads ā-iṣat (X. 89¹4). 8 Once (IV. 514) with lengthened initial for á-sat-a 'not being', also once ásatas (VII. 1048); the Pp. has ásatā and ásatah. See GRASS- MANN, Wörterbuch, under á-sat. 9 Wrong accentuation (in v. 44²) for á-codate; see LANMAN 508 (top).