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VI. DECLENSION. NOUNS. CONSONANT STEMS. I. m. á-nimisadbhis, á-prayucchadbhis, á-sredhadbhis, uśádbhis, citáyad- bhis, tujáyadbhis, devayádbhis, dhávadbhis, patáyadbhis, rébhadbhis, vádadbhis, vajayádbhis, vrájadbhis, sucádbhis, sucáyadbhis, śubháyadbhis, sócadbhis; brhádbhis, mahádbhis, rúśadbhis; dadbhis. n. sucáyadbhis, stanáyadbhis; brhádbhis, mahádbhis, rúšadbhis. D. m. usádbhyas, kṣúdhyadbhyas, gṛṇádbhyas, tväyádbhyas, pásyadbhyas, präyádhhyas, vádadbhyas, váhadbhyas, sunvádbhyas; brhádbhyas, mahádbhyas; dadblyás (AV.). - Ab. m. para-yádbhyas. G. m. 1. adhvarīyatám, uśatám, rjūyatám, gṛṇatám, ghnatám, juratám, devayatám, dvişatám, yatám, yatám, vanusyatám, vajayatám, satrūyatám, Sravatam, śravasyatám, sakhiyatám, satám, sasatám, sunvatám, stuvatám, sthätám², brhatám, mahatám; datắm (AV.). -2. á-sunvatam, cáratām, jáyatām, nýtyatam, pátatām, vivāsatām, śárdhatām. - n. rathirayátām ³. L. m. grnátsu, devayátsu, patáyatsu, mahátsu. — n. júryatsu. - 193 Stems in -mant and -vant. 315. As these two suffixes have the same sense, that of 'possessing', and are inflected exactly alike, the stems formed with them are best treated together in declension. These stems are used in the m. and n. only 4, as they form a separate f. by adding -ī to the weak stem. They are inflected like the participles in -ant except that they lengthen the vowel of the suffix in the N. sing. m. and never shift the accent from the suffix to the ending in the weak cases. Strong and weak forms are as strictly distinguished as in the ant stems 5. The regular vocative of these stems ends in -mas and -vas in the RV., but the AV. has neither in any in- dependent passage, and the VS. has only bhagavas and patnīvas. The RV. has also three vocatives in -van, and the AV. adds five others; but no voc. in man occurs. Three stems in -vant and one in -mant have case-forms supplementing the inflexion of stems in -an and forming transitions from the latter declension to the former. Thus from maghávant- bountiful' alone are formed the pl. I.: maghávadbhis, D. maghávadbhyas, L. maghávatsu; also the N. sing. maghávān beside the usual magháva from maghávan-; from sáhavant- the N. sáhāvān beside saháva; from yúvant- 'young', the A. n. yivat beside the N. m. yuva; from varimánt- the I. m. sing. varimátā beside forms from varimán- 'width'7. Inflexion. 316. Sing. N.m. I. from stems in -vant: akṣaṇván³, agniván, áñgirasvān, ánnavan, á-pavīravan, ámavan, árvān, asírvan, iḍāvān, iṣávān, ŕghāvān, etávān, kaksivan, kṣapávan and ksápavan, ghŕnīvān, jánivan, tápasvan, tarṣyávān, távasvān, táviṣīvān, távān, tuvīrávānº, tvávān, damsánāvān, dákṣiṇā- ¹ The AV. (XI. 337) has the transfer form| krátumatā (x. 59¹), N. du. m., indrāvatas (IV. 274), N. pl.; see LANMAN 516. dántais. 2 From the aor. stem sthắt- 'standing'. 3 With irregular accent on the suffix in- stead of the ending, from rathira-yát-. 6 In AV. XIX. 348 the Mss. read bhagavas which is emended to samábhavas in the printed text. 4 In two or three instances the m. form seems to be used for the f., as havismatā (1. 128²) and ráthavate (1. 122¹¹); see LAN- MAN 515 (bottom). 7 On the other hand, árvant- 'steed', has two forms representing a transition to the -an declension: N. árvā, A. árvāṇam. 8 On the Sandhi of these forms, see LAN- MAN 517. 9 Probably for *tuvi-ráva-vān. 5 There seem, however, to be two or three instances of a weak form used instead of a strong: kşumáti (IV. 218), A. pl. n., Indo-arische Philologic. I. 4. 13