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VI. DECLENSION. NOUNS. CONSONANT STEMS. D. m. uşar-búdhe, rta-vŕdhe 'fostering truth', puru-nissidhe 'repelling many (foes)', mahi-vŕdhe 'greatly rejoicing', vi-mŕdhe (VS. VIII. 44) 'dispeller of foes', sam-fdhe (AV.) 'welfare', sa-výdhe (VS. xvI. 30) 'growing'. - f. kşudhé, yudhé (AV.), vydhé, sam-idhe. - Ab. f. ksudhás, yudhás, sridhás. G. m. goşu-yúdhas, vi-mydhás² 'foe', sumati-výdhas (VS. XXII. 12) 'delighting in prayer'. - f. kṣudhás. -n. hrdaya-vidhas. L. f. mrdhi, yudhi, sprdhi; pra-búdhi 'awaking'. Du. N. A. V. m. a-sridha, rta-vŕdha, V. rtā-vrdha, namo-vŕdha, puro- yudha 'fighting in front'; rta-vfdhau. - f. rdu-výdha 'increasing sweetness', ghrta-výdha 'rejoicing in fatness', payo-výdha, vayo-výdha, sākam-výdha; sam-idhau (AV.). Pl. N.V. m. ṛtā-vŕdhas, V. rtā-vṛdhas, tugryā-vŕdhas, payo-výdhas, parvatā- vŕdhas, vayo-výdhas, suge-vŕdhas 'rejoicing in good progress', su-vý dhas; a-sridhas, ayur-yúdhas (VS. xvI. 60) 'struggling for life', usar-búdhas, goşu-yudhas, jnu- bádhas 'bending the knees', pra-yúdhas 'assailing', vṛṣā-yúdhas 'combating men', surudhas, soma-pari-bádhas 'despising Soma'. f. ksidhas (AV.), mŕdhas, spŕdhas, sridhas (VS. XXVII. 6) 'foes'; amitra-yudhas fighting with enemies', a-sridhas, işidhas, rta-vŕdhas, nis-sídhas, pari-bádhas 'oppressors', pari-sprdhas rivals', vi-rúdhas, V. vi-rudhas, surúdhas, sam-idhas. A. m. bádhas; ṛtā-vŕdhas, tamo-výdhas ‘rejoicing in darkness', rayi-vŕdhas 'enjoying wealth', usar-búdhas, surúdhas. f. mŕdhas, yudhas, spŕdhas, sridhas³; vi-rúdhas, surúdhas, sam-idhas, sam-ýdhas, sa-výdhas increasing together¹4. I. f. sam-idbhis, vi-rúdbhis (AV.). D. f. nád-bhyass. Ab. f. vi- rúdbhyas (AV.). G. m. vydhắm; ṛtā-vŕdhām, pra-budhām ‘watchful'. sprdhám; nis-sídhām, vi-rúdhām, vī-rudhām¹ (AV.). L. f. yutsú, vi-rútsu. - The infinitive yudháye is a transition to the i-declension, there being no stem yudhí-. 2 With irregular accent; cp.LANMAN477(top). 3 Fifteen times accented sridhas, once (IX. 718) sridhás. 4 In VIII. 454º, IX. 1056 pari-bádhas should perhaps be read instead of pári bádhas. 5 If from náh, according to BR. (cp. akşa- náhas (A. p. f.); according to WEBER, IS. 13, 109, from nap-. It is probably from napt-= nápat. See above 321, note on nádh-. 201 — Stems in radical -n. 323. The radical stems ending in -n are formed from half a dozen roots: from tan- 'stretch', ran- ‘rejoice', van- 'be pleasant', are formed monosyllabic substantives meaning 'succession', ‘joy', ‘wood', respectively; from svan- ‘sounď is formed the adj. svan-8 'sounding' and the compound tuvi-sván- 'roaring aloud'; from san- 'gain', the compound go-şán- 'winning cows'. From these six nouns very few case-forms occur. But from han- 'strike' no fewer than 35 compounds are made in the RV., and all the singular cases as well as several of the du. and pl. cases are formed. All the stems formed from these six roots are m. except tán-, which is f., and only a single n. case-form occurs from a compound of han- (dasyu-ghná). The distinction between strong and weak forms is made in -han- only. Here in the weak cases a as f. yudham (AV.), 6 In the V. yudham pate. 7 In the V. virudhām pate. 8 The accent of the monosyllabic stems is irregular in remaining on the radical syllable except taná (beside tánā) and vanām: cp. LANMAN 4794 and above 94, I a. 9 Other roots in - used as nominal stems have gone over to the a- or ā-declension; thus jan- becomes -ja- or jä-. 10 -han- forms a separate fem. stem in -7 from its weak form: -ghn-t. 1