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214 I. ALLGEMEINES UND SPRACHE. 4. VEDIC GRAMMAR. the n. pl. vaninā-ni (x. 669,¹ from van-in- m. forest-tree'. The isolated form mandi-m (1. 9²) is a transition to the i-declension, starting probably from the I. sing. mandin-ā ‘exhilarating' understood as mandi-nā. Inflexion. 333. All the case-forms are represented in the m., but in the n. the three singular case-forms, N. A., I., and G. only. As only eight or nine n. forms occur, they may most conveniently be enumerated separately: Sing. n. N. á-nämi 'unbending', ubhaya-hasti 'filling both hands', tsārí (AV.) ‘hidden', patatrí 'winged', vají 'vigorous' (Kh. iv. 6²), šakalyeşí (AV.) 'seeking shavings' ². I. kīrinā 'praising', su-gandhínā ³ 'fragrant'. G. pra- hosinas offering oblations'4. The m. forms actually occurring, if made from hast-in- 'having hands', would be as follows: Sing. N. hastí. A. hastinam. I. hastina. D. hastine. Ab. hastínas. G. hastínas. L. hastíni. V. hástin. - Du. N. A. hastína and hastinau. I. D. hastíbhyām. G. L. hastinos. - Pl. N. hastínas. A. hastínas. I. hastibhis. D. hastibhyas (VS. AV.). G. hastínam. L. hastisu. - a. The forms actually occurring are: Sing. N. 1. Stems in -in: ankí 'possessing a hook', ati-vyadhí (VS. XXII. 22) 'wounding', abhya-vartí 'coming near', arthi 'active', aśvi 'possessed of horses', írī5 'powerful', uj-jesí (VS. xvII. 85) N. of one of the Maruts, udrí 'abounding in water', riipi 'moving upwards', rjisi 'receiving the residue of Soma', ekāki (VS. TS.) 'solitary', kapardi 'wearing braided hair', kárū-latī 'having decayed teeth', kami 'desirous', kulayí (TS. IV. 1. 96) 'forming a nest', kevaladí 'eating by oneself alone', kesi 'having long hair', krīdí (VS. xvII. 85) 'sporting', grha-medhi (VS.xvII. 85) ‘performing the domestic sacrifices', candri (VS. xx. 37) 'golden', tsärí ‘hidden', dyumní ‘majestic', niș-șapí ‘lustful', pakthi'cooking the oblation', patatrí (TS. 1.7.7²) ‘winged', parame-ṣṭhí (VS. vIII. 54) ‘most exalted', pari-panthi ‘waylayer', pṛṣṭy-āmayi 'suffering from a pain in the side', pra-ghăsí (VS.XVII. 85) 'voracious', pra-bhangí 'destroying', pra-vepaní ‘causing to tremble', bahu-sardhi 'relying on his arms', brahma-cari 'practising devotion', brahma- varcasí (VS. xxII. 22) 'eminent in sacred knowledge', bhadra-vādí ‘uttering auspicious cries', manīşi 'thoughtful', manthi (VS. VII. 18) 'stirred Soma juice', mandí 'exhilarating', marayi ‘destructive' (?), mahā-hastí ‘having large hands', mayi 'crafty', medí ‘ally', rathí 'possessing a car', rambhí 'carrying a crutch', rukmí ‘adorned with gold', vajrí 'armed with a bolť', varmí 'mailed', vasi 'having power', vají 'vigorous', vi-rapší 'copious', sata-sví 'having a hundred possessions', šākí7 'strong', siprí 'full-cheekeď', susmí 'roaring', ślokí 'sounding', śvaghní 'gambler', sodaśí (VS. TS.) 'having sixteen parts', sárī5 'hastening', sahasri thousandfold', sācí ‘companion', somi 'offering Soma', svabdí 'bellowing', hastí ‘having hands'. - 2. stem in -mín: rgmi 'praising'. 3. stems in -vin: á-dvayavi 'free from duplicity', á-yudhvi 'not fighting', astraví obeying the goad, tarasví (VS. xix. 88) ‘bold'. A. 1. atrinam 'devourer', adhi-kalpinam (VS. xxx. 18) 'gamble-manager', 5 With abnormal accent. 6 Accented like a Bahuvrihi. 2 The Pada text reads sakalya-eşi; but the 7 Thus accented VS. xvII. 85, but šakī Paippalāda recension has the better reading | RV. 1. 518: the latter is probably an error śākalyeşu'among the shavings': see WHITNEY's as the suffix is accented in the three other note on AV. 1. 25². forms sakinam, šākine, śākinas. 3 But this form might be from su-gandhi-. 4 The isolated form krudhmi (VII. 568) agreeing with mánāmsi is a N. pl. n. of a stem krudh-mi-, rather than of krudh-min- ‘angry'. 8 BÖHTLINGK (Pw.) regards this as a gerund: á-yud-dhvi without fighting'. ¹ Instead of vanín-as, probably due to the metre.