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226 I. ALLGEMEINES UND SPRACHE. 4. VEDIC GRAMMAR. Inflexion. 344. The N. sing. m. f. lengthens the vowel of the suffix;´e. g. m. angiras, f. usás. In about a dozen compounds the long vowel appears (owing to the influence of the m.) in the n. also; e. g. úrṇa-mradās 'soft as wool'. Before endings with initial bh the suffix -as becomes -o². The forms actually occurring, if made from ápas- n. 'work' and apás- m. f. 'active', would be as follows: Sing. N. ápas; apás. A. ápas; apásam. I. ápasa; apásā. D. ápase; apáse. Ab. ápasas; apásas. G. ápasas; apásas. L. ápasi; apási. V. ápas; ápas. Du. N. A. V. ápasī; apász and apásau ³. D. apibhyam (VS.). G. ápasos (VS.). — Pl. N. ápāmsi; apásas. A. ápāmsi; apásas. I. ápobhis; apóbhis. D. ápobhyas; apibhyas. Ab. ápobhyas. G. ápasām; apásām. L. ápassu; apássuª. The forms actually occurring are as follows: Sing. N. m. ángirass an epithet of Agni, dámūnas 'domestic', nodhás name of a seer, yasás 'glorious', raksás 'demon', vedhás ‘'ordainer'; com- pounds: a-cetás 'senseless', áty-amhas (VS. XVII. 80) 'beyond distress', ádri- barhas fast as a rock', á-dvayas 'free from duplicity', án-agas6 'sinless', an-ūdhás 'udderless', ánuna-varcas 'having full splendour', an-enás 'guiltless', á-pracetas 'foolish', abhibhūty-ójas 'having superior power', ámitaujās ‘almighty', a-rapás unhurt', ávayata-helas 'whose anger is appeased', ásamāty-ojās of unequalled strength', ä-hanás exuberant', uru-cákṣās 'far-seeing', uru-vyácās 'widely extending', si-manas 'of far-seeing mind', rsváujas 'having sublime (rsvá-) power', kārú-dhāyās favouring the singer', kŕtti-vāsās (VS. III. 61) 'wearing a skin', kéta-vedas 'knowing the intention', khádo-arnas having a devouring flood', gabhīrá-vepās ‘deeply moveď', gūrtá-manās ‘having a grateful mind', gürtá-śravas 'the praise of whom is welcome', gó-nyoghās 'streaming among milk', ghrtá-prayas 'relishing ghee', jatá-vedis 'knowing created beings', tád-apās 'accustomed to that work', túd-okas 'rejoicing in that', tád-ojās 'endowed with such strength', tarád-dveṣās ‘overcoming foes', tigmá-tejās (VS. 1. 24) ‘keen- edged', tri-vayas 'having threefold food', dabhrá-cetas 'little-minded', dasmá- varcas 'of wonderful appearance', dirghá-tamas N. of a seer, dirghápsās 'having a long fore-part', dur-ósās hard to excite', devá-psaras 'serving the gods as a feast', devá-śravas 'having divine renown', dvi-bárhas 'doubly strong', ná-vedas 'cognisant', nr-cákṣās 'watching men', nr-mánds 'mindful of men', ny-okas 'domestic', pāvaká-varcās ‘brightly resplendent', purū-rávās (VS. v. 2) N., prthu-jráyās ‘widely extended', prthu-pájās 'far-shining', prá-cetas 'atten- tive', prá-vayās ‘vigorous', bāhv-òjās 'strong in the arm', brhác-chravas loud- sounding', brhád-ravās (VS. v. 22) ‘loud-sounding', bṛhád-vayās (TS. 1. 5. 10²) ,grown strong', bodhin-manās 'watchful-minded', bhúri-retas (VS. xx. 44) 'abounding in seed', bhíry-ojas 'having great power', madhu-vacas 'sweet- voiced', máno-javās 'swift as thought', maha-yaśšás (Kh. iv. 8°) ‘very glorious', mitrá-mahas 'rich in friends', raghu-pátma-jamhās ‘having a light-falling foot', 1 The stems svá-tavas- and sv-ávas- form the irregular N. svá-tavān and sv-ávān, VS. sv-ávā. 2 Except in f. uşádbhis and m. svá- tavadbhyas (VS.); cp. BRUGMANN, Grundriss 2, p. 713 (bottom). 3 The ending -au is here very rare and occurs chiefly in the later Samhitās. 4 Represented in f. by apsarássu (Kh.) and m. apásu if for apássu. 5 The s of the N. sing. is perhaps lost in uśánā; but this form may be a transition, starting from the A. uśánim (= uśánasam) after the analogy of the f.; another instance is perhaps an-ehá (x. 61¹2). 6 The form an-āvayās (AV. VII. 90³), meaning perhaps 'not producing concep- tion', may belong to this declension. See WHITNEY's note. LANMAN 443, places it under radical -ā stems.