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VI. DECLENSION. NOUNS. CONSONANT STEMS. rewarded', vája-śravasas, visvá-dohasas, viśvá-dhayasas, su-péśasas¹. tracted form: usás (IX. 415). I. m. ángirobhis; agni-tápobhis 'having the heat of fire', svá-yasobhis. f. svá-yaśobhis; with -ad-for -o-: usádbhis (44 a, 3). 233 Con- n. á-yavobhis (VS. XII. 74) 'dark halves of the month', árnobhis, ávobhis, bjobhis, chándobhis (Kh. v.34), tápobhis, támobhis, tárobhis, dámsobhis, dvéșobhis, dháyobhis, nábhobhis, námobhis, pákṣobhis (VS.xxIx. 5 ; TS. v. 1. 11²), páyobhis, práyobhis, máhobhis, rájobhis, rádhobhis, vácobhis, váyobhis, várobhis, śávobhis, śrávobhis, sáhobhis. - D. m. ángirobhyas; with -ad- for -o-: svá-tavadbhyas (VS. XXIV. 16). n. médobhyas (VS. XXXIX. 10), rákṣobhyas, váyobhyas (AV.), sárobhyas (VS. XXX. 16). Ab. n. dvésobhyas. G.m. ángirasam, apásām, tavásām, yaśásām, vedhásām; ádbhutainasām, dasmá-varcasām, mahá-manasām 'high-minded', stíma-vāhasām. f. apásām, uşásām; ap-sarásām, nákṣatra-savasam 'equalling the stars in number'. n. chándasām, tárasām (AV.), médasām (VS. xxi. 40), rákṣasām (VS. 11. 23), rádhasām, védasām². L. f. ap-sarássu (Kh. Iv. 8³). - n. ámhassu³ (AV.), údhassu, rájassu, vákṣassu, váyassu (AV.), śrávassu, sádassut. - 7. Stems in -yāms. 345. The primary suffix -yams (137),5 is used to form comparative stems. It is added either directly or with connecting -- to the root, which is always accented. There are seven duplicate stems formed in both ways: táv-yāms- and táv-īyāms- 'stronger'; náv-yāms and náv-īyāms- 'new'; pán-yāms- and pán- Tyāms- more wonderful'; bhiyams- and bhávīyāms- 'more'; rábhyāms- and rábhīyāms- (VS.) 'more violent'; vásyāms- and vásīyāṇs- ‘better'; sáh-yāṇs- and sáhīyāms- 'mightier'. Strong and weak forms are regularly distinguished. In the latter the suffix is reduced by loss of the nasal and shortening of the vowel to -yas. These stems are declined in the m. and n. only, as they form their f. by adding -ī to the weak stem; e. g. préyas-ì- 'dearer'. No forms of the dual occur, and in the plural only the N. A. G. are found. Inflexion. 346. The V. sing. m. ends in -as. The forms actually occurring, if made from kánīyāms- 'younger', would be as follows: Sing. N. m. kániyan, n. kániyas. A. m. kániyamsam, n. kániyas. I. m. n. kániyasā. D. m. n. kániyase. Ab. m. n. kánīyasas. G. m. n. kániyasas. L. m. kániyasi. V. m. kániyas. - Pl. N. m. kániyamsas. A. m. kániyasas. N. A. n. kániyāmsi. G. m. kánīyasām. The forms which occur are the following: Sing. N. m. á-tavyānī not stronger', ójīyān 'stronger', kánīyān, jávīyān 'swifter', jyáyān ‘mightier’, tárīyān³ ‘easily passing through', távīyān 'stronger', távyān 'stronger, dhávīyān 'running fast', návīyān 'new', mámhīyān 'more bountiful', yájīyān 'worshipping more', yodhiyan 'more warlike', vánīyān 'imparting more', váriyan 'better', vársīyān (VS. xxIII. 48) 'higher', vásyan 1 Also the transition forms iḍa-prajasas | for m. apássu; cp. WACKERNAGEL I, p. III, (TS. 1. 5. 6¹; MS. 1. 5³, p. 70). note. 2 The form vayám is perhaps contracted for vayásām (1. 165¹5 etc.); see LANMAN 5523. 5 Cp. J. SCHMIDT KZ. 26, 377—400; HIRT, IF. 12, 201 f. 3 All the Mss. read ámhasu; see WHITNEY'S note on AV. VI. 352. 6 As in the -mant, -vant and -vāms stems. 7 On the Sandhi of these nominatives see LANMAN 514 (middle). 4 The form apásu (VIII. 4¹4) is perhaps | 8 Cp. KEICHELT, BB. 27, 104 f. 1