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VI. DECLENSION. NOUNS. CONSONANT STEMS. c. There are two transition forms to the a-declension from puro-ḍáš-: purolášena (VS. xix. 85) and puroḍāšśá-vatsā (AV. XII. 4³5) 'having a sacrificial cake as a calf'. The D. infinitive dysáye is a transition to the i-declension, for dré-é¹. - 350. The normal forms actually occurring, if made from víś- f. 'settle- ment', would be as follows: Sing. N. V. vit. A. visam. I. viśá. D. višé. Ab. viśás. G. viśás. L. visi. Du. N. A. visa and visau. - Pl. N. visas. A. víśas. I. vidbhís. D. Ab. viḍbhyás. G. viśám. L. viksi. Forms which actually occur are the following: Sing. N. m. 1. with nasalized stem: ki-dri 'of what kind?', sa-dŕň³ 'resembling'; in VS. xvII. 81: anya-din 'of another kind', i-dŕn 'such', práti- sadri 'similar'4. 2. ending in -k: ī-dýk (AV.), eta-drk 'such', ta-drk 'such', divi-sprk 'touching heaven', ni-sprk5 'caressing', ya-drk ‘of what kind', raṇvá- samdrk 'appearing beautiful', svar-dŕk 'seeing light', híranya-samdrk 'resembling gold', hydi-sprk 'touching the heart'. 3. ending in -t: spát; vi-spát 'spy'. 4. ending in -s: puro-dás 'sacrificial cake' (occurs twice). f. 2. ending in -k: dik (VS. AV.), nák; án-apa-sprk (AV.) ‘not refusing', upa-dik 'aspect', ranvá-samdrk, sam-dik 'appearance', su-dýsika-samdyk 'having a beautiful appearance'. - 3. ending in -t: vit; vi-pät ('fetterless') N. of a river. N. A. n. etä-dŕk6, su-samdýk 'handsome'; ta-dýk may be a neuter in v. 44º. A. m. spáśam; puro-dásam; upari-spŕsam 'reaching above', divi-spŕsam, hrdi-spŕsam; tvesá-samdrsam 'of brilliant appearance', piśánga-samdrśam 'of reddish appearance', ranvá-samdrśam, su-samdrśam; dure-drśam 'visible far and wide', su-drśam 'well-looking', svar-drsam; durá-adiśam7 'announcing far and wide'. f. disam, prášam (AV.), víšam; a-diśam 'intention', rta-sprśam 'connected with pious works', piśánga-samdrśam (AV.), pra-disam 'direction', vi-pasam, śukra-pisam 'radiantly adorned', sam-drśam. I. m. visva-pisa 'all-adorned', su-samdyśa³. f. dãśá⁹, diśá, piśä, visá; pra-disa. n. divi-s n. divi-spŕšā, dūre-dŕśā. D. m. ánar-vise 'seated on the car', i-drse, divi-spŕše, du-dáśe (AV.) 'irreligious', dure-dŕše. — f. disé (AV. VS.), višé; sam-dyseo. - Ab. m. svar-dysas. -f. diśás (AV.), viśás; sam-drśas, sam-spŕsas (VS. XXXVIII. II). — Inflexion. - G. m. upa-spŕsas (AV.) 'touching', divi-sprsas, práti-prāsas¹¹ (AV.) 'counter- disputant', su-drsas, svar-dŕšas, híranya-samdrśas, hrdi-spŕsas. f. diśás (AV.), višás. - n. sādana-spŕsas 'coming into one's house'. ¹ Cp. LANMAN 490¹. 2 kidŕnn i. (x. 108³). L. m. divi-spýsi. - f. diśí (AV.), dṛśí, prāší (AV.), viši; pra-disi, vi-pāsi, sam-dýsi. - V. m. tvesa-samdrk. - 237 Du. N. A. V. m. rta-sprśã, divi-spŕsa and divi-sprśa, mithu-dŕśā 'appearing alternately', svar-dyśa. f. mithu-dŕšā. With -au: visau. Pl. N. m. spášas; upari-spŕšas (AV.), rta-spŕšas, divi-spŕšas, mandi-ni- sprsas fond of Soma', ratha-spŕsas touching the chariot', hrdi-spŕšas; dūre- - 3 sadýnn always before a- in RV. In TS. II. 2. 86 (B) the final is preserved before s: sadynk samānáis. 4 Also sadýn: all four before ca. LANMAN 456¹ and 463¹. Cp. 5 From ni-spy-, BR., GRASSMANN, LANMAN; from ni-sprh- 'desirous of' (loc.), BÖHTLINGK (pw.). — 6 The form manānák (x. 616), perhaps the same as manāk a little', is explained by GRASSMANN as manā-náš dispelling wrath'. 7 For duré-à-dišam. 8 In the Iśa Upanişad (VS. XL. 1) also occurs zsá. 9 Cp. LANMAN 490 (bottom). 10 There is also the transition form drśáye. ¹¹ Сp. WHITNEY's note on AV. II. 271. The accent should be prati-prášas.