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VI. DECLENSION. NOUNS. CONSONANT STEMS, G. I. m. náptur, pitúr, bhrátur. - f. duhitúr, nánandur (AV.), mātúr. 2. m. abhi-kṣattúr 'carver', avitur, ástur, utthatúr (AV.) 'resolving', kartúr (Kh. IV. 56. 16), cettúr (AV.), janitúr, jaritúr, trātúr, tvástur, dātúr, dhātúr (VS. TS. AV.), ni-dhātúr 'one who lays down', netur, néstur 'leader', mandhātúr, yantúr (VS. Ix. 30), vanditúr, vāvátur 'adherent', vódhur draught-horse', samitur, sanitúr, savitúr, sotúr 'presser of Soma', stotúr, hitur. L. I. m. pitári. f. duhitári, mātári. 2. m. netári, vaktári (AV.) 'speaker', sotári. - With metrically protracted -7: etárī, kartárī, vaktárī ³. V. I. m. jāmātar, pitar, bhratar. f. duhitar, matar. - 2. m. ava- spartar 'preserver', avitar, janitar, jaritar, tratar, tvastar, dartar 'breaker', dosa-vastar 'illuminer of the dark', dhartar, dhātar, netar, nestar, pra-netar, pra-yantar 'bringer', yajña-hotar 'offerer at a sacrifice', vi-dhartar 'ruler', vi-dhatar, vi-sastar (AV.) ‘slaughterer', sanitar, savitar, su-sanitar ‘liberal giver', sotar, stotar (VS. XXIII. 7; TS. VII. 4. 20), sthātar ‘guider', hotar. Du. N. A.V.4 1. m. pitárā, bhrátarã; ihéha-matarā 'whose mother is here and there', dáksa-pitarā, mātárā-pitára 5 'father and mother', sindhu-mātarā. — f. duhitárā, mātárā, sam-mātárā 'twins'. With -au: m. pitárau, sam- mātárau (AV.). - f. duhitárau (AV. Kh. III. 15³), matárau. -2. m. avitárā, a-snātārā 'not (fond of) bathing', ustára 'ploughing bulls', gántārā, coditárā 'instigators', janitárā, dhartáră, ni-cetara 'observers', pretára 'lovers', yantárā 'guides', rakṣitárā, śamitárā, sthátārā, hitārā. — With shortened vowel: manotára 'disposers'. With -au: anu-şthatárau (AV.) 'undertakers', kṣattárau (AV.) 'carvers', goptárau (AV.), datárau, rakşitárau, hótärau (VS. XX. 42), hotārau (TS. IV. 1.8²). With shortened vowel: dhánutarau 'running swiftly', savātárau (VS. xxvIII. 6) 'having the same calf'7. I. 2. m. hátrbhyam ( 53).—D. I. m. pitŕbhyām³.. D. I. m. pitrbhyām ³.-G. 1. m. pitrós. f. matris. - 2. m. pra-śāstrós (VS.) 'directors'. L. I. m. pitrós. - f. matrós⁹. Pl. N. I. m. pitáras, V. pítaras, bhrátaras; dákṣa-pitaras, dákṣa-pitāras 10 (TS. 1. 2. 3¹), gó-mataras 'having a cow for mother', piśni-mataras 'having Prśni for a mother', sindhu-mātaras, su-mātáras 'having a beautiful mother'. f. duhitáras, mātáras, V. mátaras; a-bhratáras and a-bhrátaras (AV.). 2. m. agni-hotāras 'having Agni for a priest', abhi-kṣattáras, abhi-svartáras 'invokers', ástāras, upa-kṣetāras 'dwelling near', gántāras, cetáras 'avengers', jaritáras, jostáras, trātáras, daditáras (VS.VII. 14) ‘keepers’, dātáras, dhartáras, dhátaras, ni-cetáras 'observing' and 'observers', ninditaras 'scorners', ny-patáras 'protectors of men', nétāras and netáras, panitáras, pari-vestáras (VS. VI. 13), pavitáras 'purifiers', pura-etaras (VS. xvII. 14; TS. Iv. 6.14), pra-jñātáras 'con- ductors', pra-netáras, pravitáras 'promoters', pretáras, yantáras, rakṣitāras, vantáras 'enjoyers', vi-dhatáras, vi-yotáras 'separators', samitáras, śrótāras, sanitáras, sotaras, stotaras, sthatáras, sváritāras 'roaring', hétaras, hitāras". - ¹ For *váh-tur, from vah- ‘draw'. 2 GRASSMANN takes this form (v. 4110; VI. 12*) as a N. f. of etár- 'one who approaches or asks'. 3 The Pada text has ¿ in all these forms. Cp. NEISSER BB. 20, 44- 4 In the RV. the ending -à occurs 176 times, -au only 10 times: LANMAN 427 (mid.). 5 A Dvandva compound in which both members are inflected. 6 The shortening is probably metrical. 7 This is the interpretation of the com- mentator; but the derivation of the word is obscure. - - — - 245 — 8 No form in -bhyam with the Ab. sense occurs. 9 These G. L. forms as well as svásros must be pronounced trisyllabically in the RV. except matrós in VII. 3%. See LANMAN 428. 10 With long grade yowel. II The form vasu-dhataras (AV. v. 276) may be N. pl. with shortened vowel, but WHIT- NEY regards it as a comparative N. sing. 'greater bestower of wealth'. See his note on AV. V. 276.