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I. ALLGEMEINES UND SPRACHE. 4. VEDIC GRAMMAR. b. Starting from div-ás etc. a transition stem divá- according to the a- declension came into being. From this occur the forms divá-m 'heaven' and divé-dive 'every day', and in compounds tri-divá-m (AV.) 'third heaven', tri-divé, su-divá-m (AV.) bright day'. c. It is to be noted that the accentuation of forms from div- follows the rule of monosyllables, while that of forms from dyáv- and dyú-, as may be inferred from dyávi and dyúbhis, does not, being the same as that of gáv-. d. The following case-forms of compounds of dyáv- occur: sing. N. pra-dyáus (AV.) 'highest heaven', I. pra-diva, Ab. pra-divas, L. pra-divi; áhar-divi 'day by day'; du. N. A. prihivi-dyava earth and heaven', dyávā-kṣámā, dyávā-prthiví, dyává-bhumi heaven and earth', vrsti-dyāvā 'having a raining sky'; pl. N. vrsti-dyāvas, su-divas. 248 365. There are two stems in -ãv, viz. náv- (náu-) f. ‘ship', and gláv- (gláu-) m. or f. 'lump'. The inflexion is very incomplete, as no dual and only two plural forms are found; but as far as can be judged from the forms occurring it is quite regular, the accentuation being that of monosyllabic stems. The forms of náv- are: Sing. N. naus. A. návam, su-návam 'good ship' (VS. xxI. 7). I. nāvá¹. G. navás. L. naví. Pl. N. návas. I. naubhís. only the two forms N. sing. gláus (AV.) and I. pl. — From glav- occur glaubhís (VS. xxv. 8)². B. Vowel stems. 366. The vowel declension comprises stems ending in a, i, u, both long and short. These differ considerably in their inflexion according as they are radical or derivative. The radical stems, which virtually all end in the long vowels ā, ī, ū³, are allied to the consonant declension in taking the normal endings; but they add -s in the N. sing. m. f. The derivative stems, which end in both long and short vowels, modify the normal endings considerably; though they for the most part add -s in the N. sing. m. f., those in -ā and -ī regularly drop it. I. a. Stems in radical -ā. 1 367. Radical ā- stems are frequent in the RV., but become less common in the later Samhitãs where they often shorten the final vowel to à and are then inflected like derivative a-stems. The great majority of the forms occurring are nominatives or accusatives, other cases being rare and some not occurring at all. In the RV. the N. sing. forms with a occur ten times oftener than those with the shortened vowel à, and five times oftener than the forms with a in the AV. On the other hand, the AV. has only slightly more forms with ā than with à, and no m. forms at all from ā- stems in the oblique cases. This tendency to give up the à forms in the later Samhitās may be illustrated by the fact that the forms of the RV. N. sing. carṣaṇi- prá-s 'blessing men', nama-dhá-s 'name-giver', prathama-já-s 'first-born', V. soma- pa-s 'soma-drinker', are replaced in the AV. by carşani-prá-s, nama-dhá-s, prathama-já-s5, V. soma-pa respectively. This declension includes stems formed from about thirty roots. Of these, four appear as monosyllables in the m.: já- 'child', trá- 'protector', dá- 'giver', stha- 'standing'; and seven in the f.: ksá-6 abode', -khá- 'well', gná-7 'divine 1 There is also the transition form accord- | consonant declension by almost always ing to the à declension I. sing. nāváyā, the adding the root determinative -t. accentuation of which indicates that it started from nāvá. 4 See LANMAN 435¹. 5 The form prathama-ja-s, however, also occurs in the AV. 6 From kşā- = kşi 'dwell', 'rule'. 3 These, however, by being shortened 7 Perhaps formed with suffixal à from a often appear secondarily as a, i, u, when root *gan- and sometimes to be pronounced they are inflected like derivative stems. as a dissyllable (ganá-), but inflected as if Radical and 7 stems have joined the a radical stem. 2 The N. pl. glāvas also occurs in the AB.