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NOUNS. VOWEL STEMS. easily', svar-sá-s 'winning light'. ádhara-sthā-s¹ (Kh. II. 8²) 'subordinate', ṛta-sthi-s (AV.) 'standing right', rocana-sthá-s 'abiding in light, supa-sthắ-s² (VS. xxi. 60; TS. 1. 2. 2³) 'forming a good lap'; ange-sthá-s (AV.) 'situated in a member of the body', adhvare-stha-s 'standing at the sacrifice', giri-stha-s 'mountain-dwelling', ni-sthá-s 'excelling', puru-ni-sthá-s 'excelling among many', bhuvane-sthá-s3 (AV.) 'being in the world', mamhane-sthá-s 'liberal', madhyame- sthá-s (AV. VS. TS.) 'standing in the middle', rathe-sthá-s 'standing on a car', vandane-sthá-s ‘mindful of praises', vandhure-sthá-s 'standing on the car-seat', savya-şthá-s4 (AV.), hari-sthá-s 'borne by bay horses'. - ghrta-sná-s 'sprinkling ghee'. Also the abnormal forms á-tatha-s 'not saying "yes", pánthā-s 'path'. 'f. ksá-s 'abode', gná-s 'divine woman', ará-s5 (1. 1248) 'troop'. rta-pá-s, rte-já-s, kula-på-s (AV.) 'chief of a family', go-dhá-s6 'sinew', go-pa-s (AV.) 'female guardian', go-sa-s, divi-ja-s, divo-já-s born from heaven', vane-ja-s, vayo-dhá-s (AV.), vasu-dá-s (AV.), śata-sá-s, samana-gá-s, sahasra-sá-s7. Without -s in the Pada but with hiatus in the Samhita³: jyá ‘bowstring'; ni-drá 'sleep', pra-pá 'place for watering', śrad-dhá 'faith', sva-dhá ⁹ 'self- power'; un-má (TS.) 'measure of height', prati-má (TS.) 'counter-measure', pra-má (TS.) 'fore-measure', vi-má (TS.) 'through-measure' 1⁰ Without -s as in the derivative a declension: já (AV.), má (TS. Iv. 3. 7¹) 'measure'. ápa-gā¹¹ (AV.) 'going away', abhi-bhá 'apparition', á-samjña (AV.) 'discord', upa-já (AV.) ‘distant posterity', go-dhá ¹², dur-gá (AV.) 'hard to go upon', devá- gopā, dyu-ksá 'heavenly', pra-já 'offspring', prati-má 'image', pra-pá (ÂV. III. 306), pra-má 'measure', madhu-dhá ¹3 'dispensing sweetness', śrad-dhá (AV.), sana-já, svá-gopā 'guarding oneself', sva-dha. IO - VI. DECLENSION. — n. With -s and agreeing with n. substantives: sthá-s 'stationary'; indra- já-s (AV.) 'descended from Indra', fata-sá-s, su-pra-ya-s 'pleasant to tread on', soma-já-s¹4 (AV.) 'Soma-born'. A. m. jám, trắm 'protector', sthám.— dadhi-krám, rudhi-krám N. of a demon. tamo-gám 'roaming in the darkness', tavā-gám 'moving mightily', svasti-gám 'leading to prosperity'. sāma-gám. agra-jám 'first-born', ab-jám, nabho- jam, pura-jám, prathama-jám, bharesu-jam existing in battles'. - án-asva-dām 'not giving horses', án-aśīr-dām 'not giving a blessing', a-bhikṣa-dám¹5 *giving without being askeď, upa-dăm (VS. xxx. 9) ‘giving a present', jani-dám 'giving a wife', dravino-dám, dhana-dám, rabho-dám 'bestowing strength', vasu-dám, saho-dám, havir-dám (AV.). ratna-dhắm (AV., VS. IV. 25), reto-dhám (VS. VIII. 10), vayo-dhắm, varivo-dhắm ‘granting space', varco-dhăm (VS.Iv.11), vipo- dhám 'inspiring'. abhisasti-pám, go-pám, tanu-pám, ni-sikta-pám 'protecting the infused (semen)', vrata-pám. - añjas-pám 'drinking instantly', śrta-pám 'drinking boiled milk', soma-pám. antariksa-prám, kaksya-prám 'filling out the girth', The Ms. reads ádhira-sthā nīnašat. 2 That is, su-upa-sthá-s. 3 While Kh. III. 222 has in the same verse bhúmane-ştháḥ (sic). 4 The Pada reads savya-stháḥ; see APr. II. 95, and cp. WHITNEY's note on AV. VIII. 823. 5 N. sing. GRASSMANN and LANMAN, N. pl. | NEY's note on AV. 1. 345. ROTH and SĀYAŅA. 6 The derivation is uncertain. 7 The above are the only N. sing. f. forms written with -s in the Pada text. - 8 It may therefore be assumed that the N. was formed with -s. — 251 |(1. 1656) and svadhámitā (V. 34¹), where it must be pronounced with hiatus. 9 Cp. RPr. II. 29. With regard to sva-dhá, the Samhita text is inconsistent, writing it contracted with a following vowel in svadhásit ('destroying'). 10 All these four compounds of mā- 'measure' occur in TS. IV. 4.11³; see TPr. x. 13, IS. S. 13, 104, note ². 1¹ BR. would accentuate apa-gắ; cp. WHIT- 12 Probably go-dhắs in x. 28¹¹; cp. LANMAN 445- 13 Also maryáda limit' if marya-dā, but the derivation is doubtful. 14 These forms must be regarded as m. used as n. Cp. the -as forms of -as stems used as n. (344). 15 According to the Pada text abhi-kşa-dám