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VI. DECLENSION. NOUNS. VOWEL STEMS. (m. mádant-), -ánt, e. g. adat-í- (m. adánt-), or -at, e.g. píprat-ī- (m. piprat-); from perfect participles in -vāms, e. g. jagmús-i (m. jaganváms-); from comparatives in -yams, e. g. náviyas-i- (m. náviyāms); from words in tar (-tr), e. g. avitr-í- (m. avitár-); from adjectives in -mant, e. g. dhenu-mát-ì- (m. dhenu-mánt-), and -vant, e. g. áma-vat-í- (m. áma-vant-); from nouns in -an, e. g. sam-rájñ-i- (m. rájan-), -van, e. g. rtá-var-i- (m. rtá-van-); from adjectives in -in, e. g. arkín-i- (m. arkin-); from compounds ending in -añc, e. g. arvác-i- (m. arváñc-), in -drs, e. g. su-djs-i-, in -pad, e. g. a-pád-i-, and in -han, e. g. á-pati-ghn-ï-. 2. There is besides a large group of miscellaneous f. stems of an independent character, having no corresponding m.2, e. g. sác-ì- 'might'. 3. The seven m. stems³, of which five are proper names, are: Tiraści-, Námi-, Pŕthi-, Mátali-, Sóbhari-; ráştri- 'ruler', siri- 'weaver'. 273 a. The stems of this declension (in contrast with those of the B group of the radical - declension) do not normally accent the suffix. The exceptions to this rule are of a definite character. 1. When in the first f. group there is a corresponding m. accented on a final syllable which is liable to be reduced in such a way as to be incapable of bearing the accent, the acute is thrown forward on the ; e. g. m. urú-, f. urv-í-; m. netár-, f. netr-í-; m. ad-ánt-, f. ad-at-i; m. praty-ánc-, f. pratic-i; m. -han-, f. -ghn-i-. When the m. ends in -á, the accent also in several stems remains on the corresponding -; thus m. devá-, f. devi; papá- ‘evil', f. pāpi-4; ¸m. puro-gavá- 'leader', f. puro-gaví; m. rāmá- night, f. rāmi-; m. vamrá 'ant', f. vamri-. More usually, however, the accent of such feminines is thrown back on the first syllable 5; thus m. ayasá- 'made of iron', f. áyasi-; m. arușá- 'red', f. áruşi; m. gāndharvá- 'belonging to the Gandharvas', f. gandharvi-; m. tavisá- 'strong', f. távisi- 'strength'; m. parusá- ‘reed', f. páruṣṇī ‘reedy', Ñ. of a river; m. palitá- N. ‘grey', f. pálikni-; m. mahișá-6 buffalo', f. máhiși-; m. rohitá- 'ruddy', f. róhiņī- ‘ruddy cow', m. śam-gayá- 'procuring prosperity for the household, f. sam-gáyī-; m. śyāvá- ‘brown', f. syávi-; m. syetá- 'white', f. syéni- 'white cow'. 2. Again, the miscellaneous group of feminines hardly ever accents the final -7 of the stem except when it is a proper name, a shift of accent having here probably taken place to indicate a change of meaning; thus araṇyāní- 'Forest-goddess', arundhati-î (AV.) N. of a plant and a star, indrāni 'Indra's wife', rodasi N. of the Aśvins' wife, vadhri- mati N. of a mythical female, varunāní- Varuna's wife', favasi N. of Indra's mother, sinivali N. of a goddess; and the river names. añjasi, asikni-8 (but ásiknī- black' and 'night'), go-mat-t- (but gó-mat-i- 'rich in cows'), sutudri-. Inflexion. 378. The inflexion of the derivative - stems stands in marked contrast with that of the radicalī- stems in three respects: (1) no -s is added in the N. sing. masculine or feminine; (2) the endings diverge considerably from the normal ones, the Sing. A. taking m, the D. -ai, the Ab. G. -ās, the L. -ām, the du. N. A. -ī, the pl. N. A. -s; (3) stems accented on the final vowel shift the acute to the ending in the weak cases of the sing., in the G. L. du., and the G. pl. 1 Adjectives ending in -a do not form | adjectives and all participles ending in -a their f. in -ī unless they are accented on the form their f. with -ā. final syllable, when the accent almost always shifts to the first syllable; e. g. áruși- from arusá-; but pāpá- has papí- beside papá-. 5 This is the converse of the accentuation in the B group of the radical - declension, where the m. in unaccented a throws the acute on the final -7 of the f. 2 A list of these is given by GRASSMANN, Wörterbuch 1722-23. 6 Similarly varutý 'protector', f. várūtr-i-. 7 Originally a present participle *á-rundhat-i- 'not hindering'. 8 ásiknī also occurs once as the N. of the river. 3 Cp. ZUBATÝ, zn den altindischen männ- lichen 7-stämmen, Sitzungsberichte d. Böhm. Ges. d. Wiss. 1897, XIX (treats also of the radical 7-stems used in the masc.). 4 Beside papá. The great majority of Indo-arische Philologic. I. 4. 18