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278 I. ALLGEMEINES UND SPRACHE. 4. VEDIC GRAMMAR. 4. a. Radical stems in -/. 379. No nominal i-stems are derived from roots originally ending in -i, as these (some six or seven) have all joined the consonant declension by adding a determinative -t¹. There are, however, about a dozen stems in which is probably radical in a secondary sense, as representing a reduced form of roots ending in -a². These are with one or two exceptions m. com- pounds formed with -dhi dha- 'put': api-dhí- 'covering', a-dhi- 'pledge', utsa-dhi- 'receptacle of a spring', uda-dhí- 'receptacle of water', upa-dhi- ‘part of the wheel between nave and felly', garbha-dhi- 'nest', ni-dhí- ‘treasury', pari-dhi- 'fence', prati-dhi- 'cross-piece of car-pole', pra-dhi- 'felly', śeva-dhi- 'treasure', sá-dhi- 'abode'; perhaps also osa-dhi- f. as a shortened form of óşa-dhī- ‘plant'. Besides these there is prati-sthi- f. 'resistance', from stha- 'stand', and probably the reduplicated stem yayi- 'speeding', in which the -i is secondarily reduced through the older form yayi- from the -a of the root ya 'go'. These few stems have nothing distinctive in their inflexion, which follows that of the derivative i-stems in every particular. - The forms which occur from these words are the following: Sing. N. ä-dhí-s, ósa-dhi-s, nidhi-s, pari-dhi-s, prati-sthi-s, yayi-s, sá-dhi-s.- A. utsa-dhi-m, uda-dhí-m, ósa-dhi-m, garbha-dhi-m, ni-dhi-m, pari-dhí-m, pra- dhi-m, yayi-m, śeva-dhi-m. I. yayinā. Ab. uda-dhés. Du. N. upa- dhí, pra-dhí. Pl. N. óşa-dhayas, ni-dháyas, pari-dháyas, prati-dháyas, pra- dháyas. A. api dhín, uda-dhin, ni-dhín, pari-dhin, pra-dhin. - I. ni- dhíbhis. G. ni-dhinám. L. ni-dhísu. = — - ————— 4. b. Derivative stems in -/. LANMAN, Noun Inflection 365-400. WHITNEY, Grammar 335-340, 343. REICHELT, Die abgeleiteten i- und z-stämme, BB. 25, 238-252. - ¹ See above, stems in derivative -t (307). 2 Cp. LINDNER 56 and LANMAN 453. 3 See J. Schmidt, KZ. 29, 526, note 1. Cp. 380. This declension embraces a large number of m. and f. stems. There are comparatively few neuter stems; and, except the N. A. sing. and pl., neuter forms are rare, not occurring at all in several cases. The regular inflexion is practically the same in all genders, except that the N. A. sing. and pl. n. differ from the m. and f., and the A. pl. m. and f. differ from each other. There are several peculiarities here as regards the formation of the stem, the endings, and accentuation. The final vowel of the stems shows Guna in three of the weak cases of the singular (D. Ab. G.) as well as in the V. sing. and the N. pl. m. f., while it is abnormally strengthened in the L. sing. The normal ending -as of the Ab. G. sing. is reduced to -s, while that of the L. sing. is lost. Oxytone stems, when the vowel is changed to y, throw the accent on a following vowel not as Svarita but as Udatta; and even on the nam of the G. pl., though the stem vowel in that case does not lose its syllabic value. a. The only word which distinguishes strong forms is sákhi- 'friend', which takes Vṛddhi in its strong stem sákhay. These strong forms are frequent: Sing. N. sákhā ³, A. sákhayam. Du. N. A. sákhāyā4 and sákhāyau. Pl. N. sakhayas. This word has two further irregularities, the simple stem sákhi- adding -e in the D. sákhy-e, and the abnormal endingur in the Ab. G. sákhy-ur. The other forms occurring are regular: Sing. I. sákhyā, V. sákhe. Pl. A. sákhin, I. sákhibhis, D. Ab. sákhibhyas, G. sákhīnām. Eigh com- pounds in the RV.5 are inflected in the same way (also sóma-sakhā, VS. IV. 20); but of four others, which have joined the a- declension, there occur the forms A. dravayát- sakha-m (x. 39¹0), N. yāvayat-sakhá-s (X. 265), A. patayát -sakha-m) and mandayat-sakha-m (1. 47). 4 sákhāyā occurs 6 times (also VS. XXVIII. 7), sákhāyau only once. 5 See LANMAN 400³.