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I. ALLGEMEINES UND SPRACHE. 4. VEDIC GRAMMAR. 5. a. Radical ü-stems. LANMAN, Noun-Inflection 400-419. WHITNEY, Grammar 348-352. 382. This declension comprises strictly speaking only m. and f. stems; for the few distinctively n. forms which occur are made only from stems in which the is shortened and which therefore in form belong to the u- de- clension. The normal endings, as they appear in the inflexion of consonant stems, are taken throughout. The G. pl., however, adds the ending -nam to compound stems'; and the N. sing. always has -s. This declension contains seven monosyllabic stems, one of which is m., five f., and one m. and f.; two reduplicated f. substantives and one adjective; and about 60 compounds, almost exclusively adjectives, made with the roots jū- 'speed', dyú- (diu-) ‘play', pū- ‘purify', bhū- 'be', su- 'swell', sū- 'bring forth', hū- 'call', and with the modified forms kru-, gū- 'go', drū- 'run', snū- ‘drip', which may be treated as roots. The stems occurring are: 1. monosyllables: m. jū- ‘speeding', 'steed', sū- 'begetter'; f. dū- 'gift, bhú- ‘earth', bhrú- 'brow', si- 'mother', syú- 'thread' (VS.), srú- 'stream'. 2. reduplicated stems: juhú- 'tongue', juhú- 'sacrificial spoon', jógū- 'singing aloud'. 3. compounds (in the alphabetical order of the roots): api-jú- 'impelling', kaso-ju- 'hastening to the water (?)', N. of a man, dhi-ju- 'inspiring the mind', nabho-jú- 'cloud- impelling', mano-ji- 'swift as thought', yatu-jú- 'incited by 'demons', vayo-jú- 'stimulating strength', vasu-ji- 'procuring goods', visva-ji- 'all-impelling', sadyo-ju- 'quickly speeding', sena-ju- 'swift as an arrow'. - eka-dyú- m. N. of a seer, kama-dyú- f. N. of a woman. agre-pú-² 'drinking first', uda-pú- 'purified by water', keta-pi- (VS. TS.) 'purifying the will', ghrta-pu- 'clarifying ghee', madhu-pi- 'purifying itself by sweetness', vata-pú- 'purified by the wind', visna-pi- m. N. of a man, su-pi- 'clarifying well', sva-pi- 'broom'. án- abhu- disobedient', abhi-bhi- 'superior', a-bhi- 'present', pari-bhú- *surround- ing', punar-bhi- being renewed', puro-bhú- being in front', pra-bhu- 'excelling', mayo-bhi- 'causing pleasure', vi-bhi- 'far-extending', visva-bhi- 'being every- where', visvá-sambhu- 'beneficial to all', śam-bhú- 'beneficent', saca-bhi- 'asso- ciate', su-bhi- 'good', svayam-bhú- 'self-existing', sv-abhi- 'helping well. sura-śú- 'exultant with liquor'. a-si- 'not bringing forth', a-süsú- (AV.) ‘barren', nava-sú- 'having recently calveď, pūrva-sú- 'bringing forth first', pra-sú- 'bringing forth', yama-sú- 'bringing forth twins', raha-sú- 'bringing forth secretly', raja-sú- 'king-creating', visva-si- 'all-generating', vīra-sú- 'hero- bearing', sakyt-si- bringing forth once', su-sí- 'bringing forth easily'. ā-hú- 'invoking', u-hu-3 'crying aloud', varṣā-hú- (VS.) f., sumna-hú- (TS.) 'invoking favour', su-hú- (VS.) 'invoking well'. -mitra-krú- f. a kind of demon. agre-gú 'moving forwards'. raghu-dri- 'running swiftly' 5. ghrta-snú- 'dripping ghee'. 288 - 1 The monosyllabic and the reduplicated stems, on the other hand, added -ām, as far as can be inferred from bhuvām and jóguvām, the only examples which occur. 2-pi- here pā- 'drink'. 3 Perhaps an onomatopoetic word. - - a. Vocalic pronunciation. Before vowels the has regularly a vocalic value in pronunciation. In monosyllabic stems it is always written as -uv; generally also in compounds even when preceded by a single consonant. In the minority of compounds (some 9 stems in the RV.) it is written as 7, but pronounced as a vowel. In the latter instances it is always given as u below; e. g. vibhvā as vibhúā. b. Accentuation. Except in the monosyllabic stems, which follow the general rule, the accent remains throughout on the same syllable, which is almost always the radical one. = - 4 -gu- here gā 'go'. 5 Cp. LANMAN 402. 6 About a dozen of the above compounds (all but 3 or 4 of them being formed with bhu-) also shorten the final of the stem, which is then inflected like an ž- stem.