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VI. DECLENSION. NOUNS. VOWEL STEMS. D. m. ádhri-gave, abhi-dyave. G. m. pra-bhós, su-stós. L. n. ud-bháu (VS. xv. 1), mitá-drau. V. m. adhri-go, pra-bho (AA. IV. 1 — Kh. v. 4)'. I Du. N. A. V. m. ádhri-gu, abhi-dyu (Kh. 1. 34), pari-bhú (AV.), puru- bhú, puru-bhu, vanar-gú, śam-bhú, sam-bhu. Pl. N. m. ádhri-gavas³, abhí-dyavas, dhi-jávas, mitá-dravast, vi-bhávas, V. ví-bhv-ass. n. mayo-bhú. A. m. mayo-bhin, dyún, vi-bhún (VS. xx. 23). I. m. dyúbhis; á-pra-yubhis, abhí-dyubhis, vanar-gúbhis (AV.), vi-bhúbhis. —— I 6. b. Derivative u- stems. LANMAN, Noun-Inflection 400-419. WHITNEY, Sanskrit Grammar 335-346. 388. This declension embraces a large number of nouns of all genders. The masculine stems greatly preponderate, being about four times as numerous as the feminine and neuter stems taken together; while the neuters consider- ably outnumber the feminines. Thus the N. and A. sing. are formed by about 430 stems in the m., by 68 in the n., and by 46 in the f. in the RV. The normal inflexion which is practically the same in all genders, except the N. A. sing. du. pl. n., is closely parallel to that of the i-stems (380). The stem takes Guņa in the same cases; but while in the - declension only one word (ari-) ever uses the unmodified stem, 8 or 9 words may do so here. The endings, too, are closely analogous; but while in the i- declension the ending of the L. sing. is always dropped, it is here retained in several words; and while the n- declension has affected only the I. sing. of the i declension, it has here affected all the other cases of the singular which take vowel endings. Finally, the accentuation is exactly parallel to that of of the stems. 293 a. Adjectives in - often use this stem for the feminine also; e. g. căru- 'dear'; otherwise they form the f. in -, as tanú- m., tanú- f. 'thin'; or in -ī, as uru- m., urv-í- f. 'broad', prthú- m., prthv- f. broad', bahú- m., bahw-i- f. 'much', mydú- (AV.) m., my dv-t- (VS.) f. 'soft'. b. The 8 stems which are analogous to ari- in having forms that attach the normal endings to the unaltered stem are: pašú-, pitú-; kŕtu-, krátu-, mádhu-, vásu-, šíśu-, sahásra-bahu-. c. Oxytone stems when the final vowel is changed to 7, throw the accent on a following vowel not as Svarita but as Udātta; they also shift it to the-nam of the G. pl. even though the stem vowel does not in that case lose its syllabic value; e. g. pasu-nám. d. Transition forms. 1. There are in the RV. only three forms which follow the analogy of the derivative - declension: D, işv-ai, G. işv-as, su-vástv-ās, all in late passages; the AV. also has rájjv-amº. 2. Transitions to the declension appear in the A. á-bhirvam, from á-bhiru-, and in several words formed with the suffix ya which make their N. pl. or du. as -yuvas, -yuvā. -3. Besides some 46 I, forms m, and n, sing., there are several transitions to the n- declension in the remaining cases of the sing., all neuter forms (except the m. G. cárunas): D. mádhune; Ab. mádhunas, sánunas; G. carunas, dánunas, drúņas, mádhunas, vásunas; L. áyuni, sánuni; also a few other forms from the later Samhitās, Inflexion. 389. The N. sing. m. f. always takes -s, the A. simply -. The D. Ab. G. sing. sometimes attach the normal endings to the unmodified stem; but ¹ In the f. V. prthu-sto 'broad-tufted', the u of the stem stu-= stukā-'tuft' may be radical, 2 á-smrta-dhru - ásmṛta-druhā. 3 For ádhri-gavas owing to the false ana- logy of gavas 'cows'. 4 There are also the forms according to the radical ū- declension á-prāyuvas, raghu- drivas. 5 See LANMAN 414². 6 The Mss. in AV. VI, 121² read rájvām. the only form of this word which occurs in the RV. is the N. sing. rájjus.