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I. Allgemeines und Sprache. 4. Vedic Grammar.

Ab. m. uri'ibhyam 'thighs', bahubhyam. — n. janubhyam (AV.).

G. m. urvos^, bahvos'^. — n. according to the «- declension: jAnu?ws {KV.).

L. m. urvos (AV.), baAvos^. — f. hdnvos'-.

PI. N. V. m. This case is formed in two ways. i. The ending -as is added to the unmodified stem. Of this formation the only example is mddhv-as (occurring 4 times). — 2. The ending -as is added to the gunated stem, e. g. aktdv-as. This form is very frequent, being made from 161 stems and occurring over 700 times in the RV. The commonest examples are: hidavas (67), rbhdvas (57), vdsavas (46), suddnavas (42) 'bounteous', si'ndhavas (34), asdvas (30), adhvarydvas (27), aydvas (27), kardvas (18), mitd-jhavas (2) 'firm-kneed'.

f. This case is formed in the same two ways as the m. i. Of this for- mation there are only two examples: mddhv-as, sata-kratv-as. — 2. The regular form is made from 1 5 stems in the RV. ; an-asrdvas 'tearless', d-bhiravas 'fearless', a-rif^az'fl'j' 'dustless', isavas, tri-dhstavas, dhendvas,pdrsavas, vasuydvas, sdravas, sanisydvas 'desirous', sd-manyavas and sa-manydvas 'unanimous', sindhavas, su-ketdvas, svd-setavas 'forming one's own bridge', hdnavas.

N, A. n. This form is made in two ways. i. Twelve stems take no ending, four of them also lengthening the final vowel sometimes. These forms occur 76 times altogether in the RV., 48 times with short, 28 times with long vowel. The words occurring are: uru, rju, cSru, tri-dkstu, puru', bakti, mdd/iu, vdsu, vTli'i, sdnu, su-dhatu 'manifold', su-hdntu; urU, purU^, vdsu'^, Vila. The Pada text always has the short vowel. — 2. The more usual form follows the n- declension, adding -/?/, before which the final vowel is lengthened. It is made by 14 stems ^ and occurs 127 times alto- gether in the RV. : aghayuni (Kh. iv. 5 3) 'malicious', aniini (AV.) 'minute', alabuni (AV.)* 'gourds', dsruni (AV.) 'tears', karkdndhuni (VS. xix. 23) 'jujube berries', caruni, tri-dhatUni, danuni 'fluid', daruni, devayani, purdni, prthuni, bahilni, mddhUni, yuvayani 'longing for you both', vdsuni, vdstuni, smdsruni, sanuni.

A. m. This case is made in two ways. . i. The normal ending -as is added to the unmodified stem. The only two examples of this formation are pasv-ds and kftv-as^ 'times'. — 2. The usual form is made from 43 stems with the ending -n, before which the vowel is lengthened. The original ending -ns still survives as -mr 45 times before vowels and once as -ms before ca^. The commonest examples are sdtrun (43), ddsyun (27), sindhun (23), aktun (9), rtiin (8), pasttn (5)5. From the VS.: akhUn (xxiv. 26) 'moles', nydnkun (xxiv. 27) 'antelopes', madgm (xxiv. 22) 'diver-birds', malimlun (xi. 78; TS.) 'robbers', rurun (xxiv. 27) 'antelopes'. From the Khilas: isUn (ill. 168).

f. This like the m. is formed in two ways. i. The only example is mddhv-as, which occurs twice. — ■ 2. The ending -s is added, before which the vowel is lengthened. The only two examples in the RV. (occurring 5

' To be pronounced uruos, bahuos, hanuos in the RV.

^ piru seems to be the only form of this kind in theAV., where it occurs once (xix,

49*). ^

3 furu occurs 24 times, purii 12 times (all but once at the end of a Pada).

4 vdsii occurs twice, vasu 19 times (12 times at the end of a Pada),

5 Half of these also take the form without n in the RV.

6 The Mss. in AV. xx. 1341 read dlabiitii.

1 The A. of a noun kfiu- 'making', used adverbially: bhiiri ifivas (ni. 18*) 'many times', sdivat kflvas (ill. S41) 'innumerable times', ddsd kHvas (AV. XI. 2^) 'ten times'.

8 On the Sandhi of these accusatives in ■ un see Lanman 415 (bottom) and 41^ (top).

9 Lanman 416 enumerates the stems which form this A.