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314 I. ALLGEMEINES UND SPRACHE. 4. VEDIC GRAMMAR. twice as frequent as the former¹. The perfect indicative active has some of the regular secondary endings (-va, ma, -ur), but the rest are of a peculiar type. Active endings. Primary. Sing. 1. -mi². 2. -si. 3. -ti³. Du. 1. -vas. 2. -thas 5. 3. -tas 5. Pl. 1. -masi, -mas“. 2. -tha, -thana7. 3. -anti8. Secondary. Sing. 1. -m. 2. -5⁹. 3. - ¹⁰. Du. I. -va. 2. -tam. 3. -tām. Pl. 1. -ma. 12 3. -an, -ur¹2 II 2. -ta, -tana ¹¹. Middle endings. Primary. Sing. 1. -e. 2. -se ¹3. 3. -te¹4. Du. 1. -vahe ¹5. 2. -āthe ¹6. 3. -āte ¹6. Pl. 1. -mahe ¹7. 2. -dhve ¹8. 3. -ante¹9. 18 21 Secondary. Sing. 1. -2⁰. 2. -thas2¹. 3. -ta 22. Du. 1. -vahi. 2. -āthām ²3. 3. -ātam 23. Pl. 1. mahi. 2.dhvam 24. 3. -anta 25. a. Beside the perfect endings containing r, act. du. 2. -athur, 3.-atur, pl. 3. -ur, middle -re, some verbs have endings with initial in the 3. pl. mid. ind. and opt. of most tenses. These endings are -re and -rate in the pres. ind.; -rire in the perf. ind.; -ran in the opt. pres. and the ind. imperfect, pluperfect, and aorist; ram in the ind. aor.; -ranta in the pluperfect; -rata in the opt. In the AV. -răm and -ratām appear in the 3. pl. impv. mid. ²6. b. More than twenty roots have forms in which certain endings are added to the root with the connecting vowel i or less commonly 7. These roots are an- 'breathe', am- ‘injure', as- ‘be', īḍ- ‘praise', īš- ‘rule', cud- ‘impel', jan- ‘beget', tu- ‘be strong', dhvan- 'sound', brū- 'speak', vam- 'vomit', vas- ‘clothe', vrs- 'rain', śnath- 'pierce', ru- 'hear', I AVERY 227 (middle). 2 The subjunctive has -āni and instead of it (13 times) -ã; cp. AVERY 225 (mid.) and BRUGMANN, KG. 772. 14 -tai occurs once in the RV. for te in the subjunctive; it is the usual form in the 3 The perf. ind. has the peculiar endings | AV. In the RV. -e sometimes occurs for I. - or -au, 2. -tha, 3. -a or -au in the-te in the ind. pres.; it is the only ending sing. in the perf. ind. 4 This ending does not occur in the RV.; cp. DELBRÜCK, Verbum p. 24. 5 The perf. act. du. has the peculiar endings 2. -athur, 3. -atur. 6 -masi occurs 109 times in the RV., being more than 5 times as frequent as -mas (cp. WHITNEY 548; AVERY 226), but in the AV. mas has become commoner than -masi in the proportion of 4 to 3. On these endings cp. NEISSER, BB. 30, 311-3¹5. 7 In the RV. -tha occurs more than 6 times as often as -thana (AVERY 226). The perf. ind. has the peculiar ending -a. 8 The an is replaced by a (for the sonant nasal) in reduplicated verbs and a few others treated as such; cp. DELBRÜCK, Verbum p. 51 (mid). 9 The impv. act. adds -dhi, -hi, -āna, -tāt or no ending. 10 The 3. impv. has -tu instead of -t; in the RV. and TS. also tat, see 418 b. ¹¹ In the RV. -ta occurs more than 4 times as often as -tana (560 occurrences to 125: AVERY 226). 13 In the AV. -sai is the only form of the subjunctive (WHITNEY 561, a). 12 In the ind. perf., the ind. s-aorist, and the optative, ur always appears, sometimes also in the imperfect; cp. DELBRÜCK, Verbum P. 52. The impv. has -antu, which loses its n under the same conditions as -anti. 15 The subjunctive has -vahai. 16 In the a conjugation -cthe and -ete; aithe and aite appear in the RV. as sub- junctives in several forms; -aite occurs once as an indicative; cp. WHITNEY 547, c and 561, a; DELBRÜCK, Verbum 106 and p. 45 (mid.). 17 mahai is the usual form in the sub- junctive in the RV. and AV. 18 In the RV. once dhvai in the sub- junctive. 19 In the impv. -antām and -atām. 20 In the optative (y)-a. 21 In the impv. -sva. 22 In the impv. -tām. 23 In the a-conjugation -etham and -etām. 21 Once -dhva in the RV. 25 In the impv. -antām; both this ending and -anta lose their under the same con- ditions as anti. The perf. ind. has -re. 26 See DELBRÜCK, Verbum 76-78; AVERY 226; BRUGMANN, KG. 797; cp. also BOLLEN- SEN, ZDMG. 22, 599; KUHN, KZ. 18, 400; BENFEY, Ueber die Entstehung und Verwen- dung der im Sanskrit mit anlautenden Personalendungen. Abh. d. Ges. d. Wiss. zu Göttingen 15, Göttingen 1870; WINDISCH, Berichte der sächsischen Gesellschaft d. Wiss. 1889, p. 1 ff.; ZIMMER, KZ. 30, 224 ff.