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VII. VERB. PRESENT SYSTEM. 319 4. The 2. 3. du. mid. substitute e for the à of the endings -āthe, -āte; e. g. 2. vahethe 'ye two travel', 3. vardhete 'they two thrive'. 5. The middle participle regularly ends in -mäna. a. Five classes or types may be distinguished in the present stems of the a- conjugation. These are: 1. Stems in which the radical syllable has a strong grade accented vowel'; e. g. bhára-ti, from bhṛ- 'bear'. 2. Stems in which the radical syllable has a weak grade vowel, the thematic a being accented; e. g. rujá-ti, from ruj 'break'. 3. Stems formed with the suffix -ya, being either (a) ordinary transitive or intransitive verbs 3, e. g. ás-ja-ti 'throws'; or (b) passives, e. g. ni-ya-te is led'. 4. Stems ending in -aya, being either (a) causatives (-aya) or (b) denominatives (-ayá) 4. 5. Stems formed with the suffix -sa, added to the reduplicated root, being desideratives; e. g. pi-pa-sa- 'desire to drink'. The last two classes, which retain the present stem throughout their inflexion, constitute three of the secondary conjugations which will be treated separately below (541-570). I. The radically accented a- class (bháva-). 421. This is by far the commonest type of the a conjugation, about 300 such present stems occurring in the Samhitãs 5. The radical vowel takes Guna, unless it is medial and long by nature or position; thus from ji- 'con- quer' : jáy-a-; nī- ‘lead': náy-a-; bhū- 'be': bháv-a-; budh- 'awake': bódh-a-; srp- 'creep' : sárpa-; but jinv- 'quicken' : jínv-a-; krīḍ- ‘play": krid-a-. Roots with medial a remain unchanged, e. g. vad- ‘speak’ : vád-a-. a. There are, however, several irregularities in the formation of the present stem: I. üh- 'consider' takes Guņa: óha- (but üh- 'remove' remains unchanged: uha-); guh- ‘hide' lengthens its vowel: guha-; kram- 'stride' lengthens its vowel in the active: kráma- (but krama in the middle); krp- 'lament' retains its vowel unchanged: krpa-. 2. The roots dams 'bite' and sanj- 'hang' lose their nasal: dáša-, saja-. 3. şam- 'go', yam- 'Teach', yu- 'separate' form their stem with the suffix -cha-: gáccha-, páccha-, yuccha-. 4. Four stems are transfers from the reduplicating class 6: piba- from pa drink', tiştha- from sthā- 'stand', sida-7 (for *si-sad-a-) from sad- 'sit', sáśca-8 (for *sá-sac-a-) from sac- 'accom- pany'; four others are transfers from the nu- class, being either used beside or having entirely superseded the simpler original stems: i-nv-a- from i- 'send', beside i-nd-ti; ji-nv-a- from ji- 'quicken', beside ji-nd-și; hí-nv-a- from hi- 'impel', beside hi-no-ti; pinv-a- 'fatten' was doubtless originally *pi-nu- from the root p. 10. U - 422. Present indicative. The forms of this tense which actually occur, if made from bháva-, would be as follows: Active. Sing. 1. bhávā-mi, 2. bháva-si, 3. bháva-ti. Du. 1. bhávā-vas (TS.), 2. bháva-thas, 3. bháva-tas. Pl. 1. bhávā-masi and bhávā-mas, 2. bháva-tha", 3. bháva-nti. 12 Middle. Sing. 1. bháv-e, 2. bháva-se, 3. bháva-te ¹2. Du. 1. bhávā-vahe, 3. bháv-ete. Pl. 1. bháva-mahe ¹3, 2. bháva-dhve, 3. bháva-nte. The forms which actually occur are the following: 7 See ROZWADOWSKI, BB. 21, 147. A reminiscence of its reduplicative origin is the loss of the nasal (the sonant becoming a) in the ending of the 3. pl.: sáścati, sascata. 9 rnu-á-, beside r-nó-ti from 7- 'send', is a similar transfer to the sixth class. The first class of the Indian gramma- rians. 2 The sixth class of the Indian gramma- rians. 3 The fourth class of the Indian gramma- rians. 4 The nominal « preceding the ya is here sometimes dropped or changed to ā or . See below 562. Some of these verbs in -aya, having lost their special stem meaning, are treated as a class (the tenth) of primary verbs. 10 See WHITNEY, Roots, under pinu. 11 váda-thana is the only example of the ending -thana in the indicative of the a conjugation. 12 The RV. once has sóbhe as 3. sing. for śóbhate. 5 See WHITNEY 214-216, cp. 744. 13 DELBRÜCK, Verbum p. 30 (top), AVERY 6 dád-a occasionally appears for the p. 235, WHITNEY 735, b, and GRASSMANN, regular dádā-, from dā- ‘give'. under man 'think', give manāmahé (IX. 41²),