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328 1. ALLGEMEINES UND SPRACHE. 4. VEDIC GRAMMAR. beside súmbhate and sóbhate, from śubh- ‘shine'; synthati (TS¹.), beside the regular śrathnās etc., from frath- 'loosen'. 2. Four roots form their stem with the suffix -chá: iş- ‘wish': i-cchá-; - 'go' : ṛ-cchá-; práš-¹ 'ask' : prechá-; vas- 'shine' : u-cchá-. 3. Two stems are transfers from the nasal class of the second conjugation: prná-, beside pr-ya-, from pr- 'fill'; mrná-, beside my-na-, from mr- 'crush'; rūjá- ‘stretch' has become the regular stem beside pl. rijate; and z. pl. umbha-ta (AV.), appears beside ubh-na-, from ubh- 'confine'. 4. Beside the normal -nu stem r-, the root - also has the transfer stem ṛṇv-á-. 5. While roots ending in i or a change these vowels into ży or uzv before -á (e. g. kşiy-á-, from ksi- 'dwell', yuv-á- from yu- 'join'), the TS. has ksy-ánt- beside RV. kşiyánt. 'dwelling'. b. The present stems chyá- (AV.) 'cut up', dyá- (AV.) ‘divide', syá- ‘sharpen', syá- 'bind', though regarded by the Indian grammarians as belonging to the -ya class, should most probably be classified here, because the a is accented, i appears beside ā in various forms from these roots, and yá is here often to be read as -ia, while this is never the case in the ya class. - - 430. The inflexion is exactly the same as that of bháva-. The forms which actually occur are the following: Present Indicative. Active. Sing. I. icchámi, ukṣāmi (AV.), kirámi (AV.), khidāmi (AV.), girāmi² (AV.), cṛtāmi (AV.), tirami, dyami (AV.), diśāmi (TS. AV.), dhuvami (AV.), prechámi, muñcámi, rujami, limpami (AV.), vindami, viśāmi (AV.), vrścámi (AV.), vrhāmi, siñcámi, sulāmi (TS.VII.4.194), suvāmi, srjámi, sprśāmi, syāmi (AV. TS.). 2. icchasi (AV.), ucchasi (TS. IV. 3. 115), tirasi, ksipasi (AV.), trmpási, prcchasi, mṛṇasi, vindasi, vṛścasi, suvási. 3. anáti (AV.), icchati, ucchati, rcchati (AV.), rnvati, krntáti (AV.), kṛṣati (TS. IV. 2. 56), kṣiyati (AV.), khidáti, girati (AV.), chyati (TS. v. 2. 12¹), dyati (AV.), pimśati, prcchati, prnáti, mișati, muñcati (AV.), yuváti, rujáti, ruváti, vindáti, visati (AV.), vrscati, vrhati, siñcati (AV.), suváti, srjáti, sphuráti (AV.), syati. Du. 2. ṛṇvathas, bhasáthas, muñcathas, viśathas (AV.), vṛhathas, srjáthas. 3. icchatas (AV.), muñcatas (AV.), siñcatas. Pl. I. giramas (AV.), crtámasi (AV.), tirāmasi, dyāmasi (AV.), nudāmasi (AV.) and nudāmas (AV.), pṛcchāmas (AV.), mṛśāmasi, vṛhāmasi (AV.) and vyhāmas (AV.), suvāmasi (AV.), sṛjāmasi (AV.) and sṛjāmas (AV.), spṛśāmasi. 2. muñcátha, siñcátha (TS. AV.). 3. anánti (AV.), icchánti, ukṣánti, ucchánti, ṛcchánti, ṛñjánti, ṛṣánti, ksiyánti (AV.), khidánti (AV.), crtánti, tiranti, tuñjánti, pṛcchánti, mişanti, mucánti, muñcanti, myśánti, rujánti, vindanti, viśánti, vrścánti, śumbhánti, siñcánti, suvánti, srjánti, spršánti, sphuránti, syanti. Middle. Sing. I. ise 'send', nude (AV.), prcché, muñce (AV.), mṛje, vindhe, visé (AV.), šușe, siñce, huvé. 2. icchase, rñjáse, juṣáse (AV.), prcchase, mṛśáse, yuvase, vindáse, siñcáse. 3. icchate (AV.), ukṣáte, rñjáte, kirate, kṛṣáte (AV.), tiráte, tundate, turáte (TS.11.2.124), nudate (AV.), pimśáte, prcchate, prñcáte, muñcate, mrsate, yuváte, vindáte, vindháte, višáte, vrścate (AV.), sṛjate. With ending -e: huvé. Du. 2. dṛmhéthe, nudethe (AV. TS.), yuvethe, vindethe (Kh. 1. 12³). 3. tujete. Pl. I. nudāmahe (AV.), yuvāmahe, riśámahe, sicāmahe, huvāmahe. 3. icchante (AV.), ukṣánte, tiránte, vijánte (AV.), vindante (AV.), višánte, vyścante (AV.), srjante (AV.). 1 The suffix -cha has in this instance purposes pracch- (but praš-ná- ‘question'); cp. attached itself throughout the conjugation prec-or and posco for porc-sco in Latin. to the root, which thus becomes for practical 2 From gr 'swallow'.