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VII. VERB. PRESENT SYSTEM. 331 3. The ya- class ¹. 437. The present stems formed with this suffix fall into two groups. In the first, consisting of about 70 transitive or intransitive verbs, the suffix is unaccented; in the second, consisting of rather more than 80 verbs with a passive meaning, the suffix is accented. In all probability both groups were identical in origin, with the accent on the suffix. This is indicated by the fact that the root though accented in the first group appears in its weak form; and that this group consists largely of intransitive verbs and to some extent of verbs with a passive sense. The latter are manifestly transfers from the -yá or passive group with change of accent. Thus jáyate 'is born' is an altered passive beside the active jánati 'begets'. The accent moreover occa- sionally fluctuates. Thus the passive mucyáte 'is released' once or twice occurs (in the RV. and AV.) accented on the root; and there is no appreciable difference of meaning between ksiyate and kṣīyáte is destroyed'; jiyate and jīyáte 'is overcome'; pácyate and pacyáte 'is cooked'; miyate and mīyáte (AV.) ‘is in- fringed' ². A. The radically accented ya- class. 438. The root nearly always appears in a weak form. Thus roots that otherwise contain a nasal, lose it: dymh- 'make firm': dih-ya-. The root vyadh- 'pierce' takes Samprasarana: vidh-ya-. The root spas 'see' loses its initial: pás-ya-. Several roots ending in a shorten the vowel before the suffix: dha- 'suck': dhaya-; ma- 'exchange': maya-; va- 'weave': váya-; vya- 'enve- lope': vyáya-; hva- 'call' : hváya-³. a. Several other roots usually stated as ending in a remain unchanged: gã- 'sing': gaya-; gla- be weary' : glaya- (AV.); trā- 'save' : trắya-; pyā- ‘fill up' : pyẩya-; rā- ‘bark': raya-; vā- 'blow': vaya-; śrā boil': śraya-4. b. The root fram- 'be weary' lengthens its vowel: śrámya-5. c. The final of roots in 7 sometimes becomes both īr6 and ūr; thus jỡ- ‘waste away becomes júrya- and jīrya- (AV.); tr- 'cross': turya- and tirya-7 (AV.). The root pr fill' because of its initial labial becomes púrya- only. 439. The forms actually occurring in this class are the following: Present Indicative. Active. Sing. 1. asyāmi (AV.), íṣyāmi, nahyāmi, páśyāmi (AV.), vídhyāmi (AV.), hváyāmi. 2. ásyasi, işyasi, ucyasi (√uc-), gāyasi, náśyasi, páśyasi, púşyasi, rányasi, rāyasi, risyasi, haryasi. 3. ásyati, iyati (RV¹), isyati, krudhyati (AV.), gayati, jiryati (AV.), juryati, tanyati, dásyati, dáhyati (AV.), diyati, divyati (AV.), dusyati (SA. XII. 23), dhayati, nasyati, nýtyati (AV.), pásyati, púsyati, ranyati, risyati, vayati (AV.), vāyati, vidhyati, vyayati, śimyati (TS. v. 2. 12), susyati (Kh. Iv. 538), sidhyati, haryati, hṛṣyati, hváyati. Du. 2. diyathas, raṇyathas. 3. asyatas (AV.), naśyatas, pásyatas, púsyatas, rispatas (AV.), vayatas (AV.), vayatas, śrámyatas (AV.). ¹ Cp. LORENTZ, IF. 8, 68—122. | grammarians as ending in -ai and belonging ricyate is left' beside ricyáte (V.), lúpyate is lost' beside lupyáte (AV.), hiyate 'is left' beside hiyáte (V.). 2 Also in Brāhmaṇa passages of the TS. to the a- class. The latter form is preferable from the point of view of gradation. Cp. 27, a, 1; BB. 19, 166. 1 5 In B. this analogy is followed by several roots in -am. 3 These are reckoned by the native gram- marians as ending in e and belonging to the a class. This seems preferable from the point of view of vowel gradation: see 27, a, 3. 7 Only in an emendation ava-tiryatī (AV. 4 Such roots are reckoned by the native xIx. 98) for ávatiryatis, Pada ávatīḥ yatih. 6 In the á class - becomes -ir, e. g. tr-: tirá-.