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346 I. ALLGEMEINES UND SPRACHE. 4. VEDIC GRAMMAR. a. Several irregularities occur with regard to root, suffix, and ending. 1. The root sru- 'hear' is dissimilated to śr. before the suffix: śr-nu-, r-nó-. 2. The root yr- 'cover' assumes the anomalous form of ur- (with interchange of vowel and semivowel): ur-nu-, beside the regular vr-nu- 2. 3. Four roots ending in -n, tan- 'stretch', man- 'think', van- 'win', san- ‘gain', seem to form their stem with the suffix -u, being assigned by the Indian grammarians to a separate class, the eighth; but this appearance has probably been brought about by the -an of the root having originally been reduced to the nasal sonant: ta-nu- for *in-nu- 3. 4. In place of the regular and very frequent kr-nu-, there appears in the tenth book of the RV. the anomalous stem kuru-, once in the form kur-mas (x. 517, 1. pl. pres. ind., and twice in the form kuru (X. 19², 145²), 2. sing. impv. act. The strong form of this stem, karó-, which has the additional anomaly of Guna in the root, appears in the AV., where however the forms made from krnó-, krnu are still upwards of six times as common as those from karó-, kuru-5. The isolated form taru-te 'attains', which occurs once in the RV. (x. 76²), seems to be analogous in formation to karó-ti, but it may be connected with the somewhat frequent nominal stem taru-6. 5. The of the suffix is dropped, in all the few forms which occur in the 1. pl. ind. act. and mid., before terminations beginning with m: kur-más, krn-mási (AV.), tan-masi (TS.), hin-mas (AV.), hin-masi (AV.); krn-mahe, man-mahe7. When the -nu is preceded by a consonant, the u becomes uz before vowel endings; e. g. ašnuv-anti (but sunv-ánti). 6. In the 3. pl. mid., six verbs of this class take the ending -re8 with connecting vowel -i-: inv-ire, rnv-ire, pinu-ire, śrnv-iré, sunv-iré, hinv-iré. The connecting vowel -- is also taken by śru- in the 2. sing. mid. śrnu-i-sé (for *rnu-şe) used in a passive sense. 7. Five stems of this class, i-nu-, r-nu, ji-nu-, pi-nu-, hi-nu-, have come to be used frequently even in the RV. as secondary roots following the a- conjugation. Of these pinu-a- occurs almost exclusively in the RV. as well as the AV.; inv-a- alone is met with in the AV.; and jinv-a- and hinv-a- are commoner in the RV. than ji-nu- and hi-nu-. - - - - Present Indicative. 470. The forms actually occurring, if made from kr- 'make', would be as follows: Active. Sing. I. krnómi. 2. krnósi. 3. krnóti. Du. 2. krnuthás. 3. kṛṇutás. PL 1. krnmási and krnmás. 2. kynuthá. 3. kṛṇvánti. Middle. Sing. 1. krnvé. 2. krnusé. 3. krnuté and krnvé. - Du. 2. krvathe. Pl. 1. kramahe. 3. krnváte. The forms which actually occur are the following: Active. Sing. 1. ūrņomi (AV.), ṛṇomi, kṛnómi, kṣinómi (AV.TS.), minomi (mi- ‘fixʼ, AV.), vṛṇomi (‘choose', Kh. 11. 65), šaknomi (AV.), śrnómi, hinómi. With -u-: karomi (AV. TS.), tanomi. — 2. āpnóși (AV.), inoși, krnósi, jinóși, strnóși, hinóși; tanósi, vanósi. 3. aśnoti (as- ‘attain'), apnóti (VS. AV.), inóti, unoti (RV¹.), ūrṇoti, ṛṇoti, rdhnoti, krnóti, cinóti 'gathers', dāśnýti, dunoti (AV.), dhūnoti, minoti (AV.), vrnóti, śaknoti (AV.), śrnóti, sunýti, skunóti (AV.), hinóti; karoti (AV. TS. VS.), tanóti, vanoti, sanóti. 3. aśnutás, Pl. 1. kṛṇmási (AV.), hinmas (AV.), hinmasi (AV.); kurmás, tanmasi (TS. IV. 5. 11¹). 2. aśnutha, krnuthá, dhunuthá, sunuthá. 3. aśnuvanti, Du. 2. aśnuthas (Kh. 1. 9²), urnuthas, kṛnuthás, vanuthás. ūrnutás, kṛṇutas, sunutás; tanutas (Kh. III. 22º). 1 Cp. DELBRÜCK, Verbum p. 154¹. 2 Cp. BRUGMANN, KG. 674. 3 Cp. BRUGMANN, KZ. 24, 259; DELBRÜCK p. 156. 4 Perhaps starting from the aorist á-kar and following the analogy of krnó-; cp. BRUGMANN, KG. 656, 3. — (DELBRÜCK 174, BRUGMANN, KG. 673) of this phenomenon. There is no example in the | Samhitãs of the 1. du. in -vas and -vahe; but

  • krn-vás, *krn-váhe must be presupposed to

account for the loss of the - before -mas and -mahe: BRUGMANN, KG. 673. 8 Like duh-re in the root class. 5 WHITNEY 715. 9 This is the only form (besides the 6 Occurring in táru- 'swift' (?), taru-tý- 'con- participle pinu-aná- and pinv-ánt-, pinv-at-im in queror', táru-tra- 'victorious', táru-șa- 'victor', | AV.) in which the stem pinu- appears. All others and the verbal stem táruşya-'cross', 'overcome'. are made from the transfer stem pinua-. 7 Thus kyn-mahe is not the only example 10 Sometimes accented kynvaté.