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1 VII. VERB. PRESENT SYSTEM. 349 Samprasāraṇa; e. g. grbhnámi and grhnámi (AV.). Four roots which, in forms outside the present system appear with a nasal', drop the nasal here; thus bandh 'bind' badhnámi (AV.); manth- 'shake': mathnami (AV.); skambh- 'make firm': skabhnáti; stambh- 'prop': stabhnáti (AV.). The root jñā- 'know', also loses its nasal; e. g. jā-nā-mi². 2. The strong form of the suffix, -nā, appears in certain 2. persons impv. act., which should have the weak form -nī; e. g. 2. pl. puná-ta for puni-tá. On the other hand -nt appears once instead of -na in 3. sing. injv. minīt 3 (AV.). 3. A few roots ending in consonants take the peculiar ending -āná in the 2. sing. impv. act.; e. g. grh-āṇá ¹. 4. Transfers to the a- conjugation are made from five roots. These are rare in the case of gr- 'sing': grná-ta 2. pl. ind., grṇa-nta 3. pl. impf.; mi- 'damage': mina-t 3. sing. injv., amina-nta 3. pl. impf.; - 'crush' only frna (AV.) 2. sing. impv. But pr- 'fill' and mr- 'crush' form the regular á stems prná- and mrná- (beside prná- and mṛṇā-), ten forms being made from the former, and five from the latter in the RV.5 — —— — Present Indicative. 476. The forms actually occurring, if made from grabh- 'seize', would be the following: Active. Sing. 1. grbhnámi. 2. grbhnási. 3. grbhnáti.- Du. 2. grbhnithas. 3. grbhnītás. Pl. 1. grbhṇīmási and grbhṛīmás. 2. grbhnitha and grbhnithána. 3. grbhnánti. Pl. 1. grbhnīmáhe. Middle. Sing. 1. grbhné. 2. grbhnīṣé. 3. grbhṛīté. 3. grbhnáte. 6 The forms which actually occur are the following: Active. Sing. 1. aśnámi ('eat', AV. VS.), iṣṇāmi (AV.), kṣiṇāmi (AV.), grnāmi (gr- sing'), gṛṇámi (AV. VI. 71³, gr- 'swallow'), grbhnami, grhnámi (AV. TS.), jānāmi, jinámi, punāmi, pṛṇámi (AV.), badhnámi (bandh- 'bind', AV. TS.), mathnāmi (AV.), mināmi, riņāmi (AV.), śṛṇámi (AV.), sināmi (AV.), stabhnami, strṇāmi (AV.). 2. aśnási (AV.), iṣṇāsi, junāsi, prnási, rinási, śrnäsi. 3. aśnáti, krīnāti, kṣiṇati (ksi- 'destroy'), grnáti, grbhnáti, grhnáti (AV.), jānáti, jináti, junäti, punáti, prnáti, mináti, musnati (AV.), rináti, śṛṇāti, sināti, skabhnáti, stabhnáti (AV.), hruṇāti. Du. 2. rinīthas. 3.grnītás, prnītas. - 5 Beside seven present stems of this class there appear denominative stems in -āya from the same roots. Cp. v. NEGELEIN 50-52. 6 Given, along with a number of cognate forms, as from the root badh-, by v. NEGE- LEIN 57. Pl. I. grnīmási, junīmási, minīmási, śṛṇīmasi (AV.); jānīmás. — 2. jānītha; strnīthána (AV.). -3. aśnánti (AV.), kşinánti, grnánti, grbhnánti, grhnánti (AV.TS.), jānánti, jinanti, junánti, punánti, prnánti, prīṇanti, badhnánti (AV.), bhrīṇánti, minánti, riņánti, śrīṇánti, stṛṇánti. Middle. Sing. 1. grné, grbhne, grhné (AV.), vrné. 2. grnīsé³, vrnisé (AV.), śrinise, hrnise. - 3. krīnīte (AV.), kṣiṇīte (AV.), grnité, punite, prinité, rinite, vrnité, śrathnīté, strnite, hrnite. With -e for -te: grne. Pl. 1. grhnīmahe (TS. v. 7. 9¹), punimahe (Kh. III. 104), vṛṇīmáhe⁹. 1 Cp. BRUGMANN, Grundriss 2, 627. 2 Originally *janā- with nasal sonant, jn-bhri- *consume'. nā; see BRUGMANN, KG. 666 (p. 511). 3 On this form see v. NEGELEIN 56, note 1. 4 On the origin of this ending see BRUG- MANN, Grundriss 2, p. 975. - 7 The only form occurring of the root 8 The form grnisé also occurs in the RV. as a 1. sing. ind., 'I praise', being formed from an anomalous aorist stem grnī-s-. 9 According to to WHITNEY 719, once vrnimahé, with reference doubtless to RV. v. 20³, where, however, vṛṇīmahé 'gne is only the Sandhi accentuation for vrnimahe ágne (see above 108 and p. 319, ncte 13).