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366 I. ALLGEMEINES UND SPRACHE. 4. VEDIC GRAMMAR. I. Simple Aorist. A. Root Aorist. BENFEY, Vollständige Grammatik 840. AVERY, Verb-Inflection 253-256. WHITNEY, Sanskrit Grammar, 299-304; Roots 222 f.; AV. Index Verborum 380. 498. This form of the simple aorist is taken by about 100 roots (and by more than 80 of these in the RV.), the commonest being those with medial a (nearly 30 in number). It is inflected in both the active and the middle voice. The root is strong in the indicative active singular, but weak elsewhere. Roots ending in vowels, however, show a tendency to retain the strong vowel throughout the indicative active except the 3. plural. a. Roots ending in ā, of which there are some eight, retain the ā throughout the indicative active except the 3. pl., where they drop it before the ending which in these verbs is invariably ur. In the middle indicative, the radical vowel is weakened to 2¹. The forms which occur from these roots, if made from stha- 'stand', would be the following: Active. Sing. 1. ásthām. 2. ásthas. 3. ásthat. Du. 2. ásthātam. 3. ásthā- Pl. 1. ásthāma. 2. ásthâta. 3. ásthur. Middle. Sing. 2. ásthithās. 3. ásthita. Pl. 1. ásthimahi. 3. ásthiran. b. Roots ending in, of which there are some ten, take Guna throughout the indicative active except the 3. pl. Roots ending in i and ž (of which, however, few dual and plural forms occur) show the same tendency. The root bhu- 'be' retains its throughout (as in the perfect), interposing v between it and a following a. The forms met with from kr- 'make' are the following: Active. Sing. 1. ákaram. 2. ákar. 3. ákar. Du. 2. kartam (AV.). 3. ákartām. - Pl. 1. ákarma. 2. ákarta. 3. ákran. Middle. Sing. 1. akri. 2. ákṛthas. 3. ákṛta. The forms which actually occur are the following: Pl. 3. ákrata. tām. - - 2 This might also be the sing. I. of the thematic aorist ágama-t etc. 3 No forms of pa- 'protect' are made according to this aorist, while pā- 'drink' (present stem piba-) has no forms from the root in the present system except pānti (RV¹.) and pāthás (AV.), but perhaps even these are rather to be taken as meant for aorist - forms; cp. p. 369, note ¹ and p. 368, note 10. 4 With the usual absence of Guna in this root; later abhuvam. 5 There is also the transfer form ádam -▬▬▬▬▬ Indicative Active. 499. Sing. 1. ákaram, ágamam², agām (gā- ‘go'), ágrabham, adhām, ápām 3 (pā- ‘drink'), abhuvam 4, abhedam, arodham (rudh- ‘hinder'), áśravam, asthām (AV.); karam, gamam, gām (AV.), dām³, dhām (AV.), vam6 (vr- 'cover'). sthās. 2. agās, adāsī, ápās, aprās, ábhus, áśres, ásthās; gās, dás, dhás, bhūs, With loss of ending: akar, ákran (√krand-), ágans, ághas, avar (vr- 'cover'), aspar; ánatº, avar (vr- 'cover'); kar, kran (√ kram-), bhet (√bhid-), vár, várk". 3. ágāt, acet² (ci- 'collect), ádat", ádhat (dha- 'put'), adhat (dhā- 'suck', AV.), ápāt, aprāt (AV.), ábhūt, áśret (√śri-), áśrot, ásthāt, ——— As in the perfect before consonant (1. 126²), which though not analyzed in endings and in the past passive participle, the Pada text, appears to stand for å adam e. g. ta-sthi-şe (AV.), and sthi-tá- from sthā- as indicated by both sense and accent. 'stand'. — 6 For varam formed by false analogy as a first person to 2. sing. vaḥ (for *var-s) appearing as if formed with the -s of 2. sing. 7 There is also the transfer form ádas (1. 1218), which though not analyzed in the Pada text, is shown by both sense and accent to stand for å-adas. 8 For *á-gam-s. 9 For *a-na-s from naš- ‘attain', where

  • ának would have been phonetic (54, 6).

10 For *kram-s. 1¹ For *varj-s from Vurj-. 12 There is also the transfer form ádat