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VII. VERB. AORIST SYSTEM. 383 Active. Sing. 1. akanisam, akārişsam, akramişam, acayiṣam (AV.), acărişam, abhāriṣam (√bhṛ-, AV.), avadhișam (AV.), avādiṣam (AV.), áśam- sisam, asānisam; ásisam (as 'eat', AV.); rāvisam. With ending -īm: akramīm, agrabhīm (TS.); vádhīm. 2. akramīs, adṛmhis (VS. vI. 2), ávadhīs, avarṣīs', astarīs (√str-, AV.); āšīs² (aś- ‘eat, AV.), áukṣīs (uks- 'grow'); kramīs, vádhís. 3. ákārīt, ákramīt, ágrabhīt, ágrahīt (AV.), átārīt, adṛmhīt (MS. Iv. 13³), anayīt² (√ni-, AV.), ámandīt, ayāsīt, áyodhīt, arāvīt, ávadhit, ávarsīt (√vrs-, AV.), ášamsīt, aśarīts (AV.), asavit, astānīt (AV.), ásvanit; avit, asit (as- ‘eať, AV.); júrvīt (jūrv- 'consume'), tārīt, vádhīt. With ending -ait:: aśarait4 (AV.). Du. 3. ámanthiṣṭām; jániṣṭām. Pl. 1. agrabhīşma, átārişma and atarimas, ávadhisma (VS. ix. 38). 3. atakṣiṣur, átārisur, adhanvișur, ánartișur, ánindiṣur, apāvisur., áman- dişur, amādiṣur, arājiṣur, arāṇiṣur (ran- ‘rejoice'), árāvișur, avādiṣur, asāviṣur; aksisur (1. 16310), anisur (Van, AV., TS.), ávisur (Vav-). With -ran:- avadiran (AV.). — - Middle. Sing. 1. aikṣisi (Kh. 1. 1¹: √īkṣ-). aśamiṣṭhās (sam- 'labour'), asayiṣṭhās, áśramiṣṭhās; jániṣṭhās. 3- akrapista (V krp-), ájanista, adhavista, anavista, aprathista, arocista (VS. XXXVII. 15), avasiṣṭa (vas- 'wear'), áśamista, ásahista; áuhista (uh- 'con- sider'); krámista, jánista, práthista, mándista, yamista. Du. 3. ámandiṣātām. Pl. 3. ágrbhisata (VS. xxi. 60). ¹ AVERY 259 adds ávarhis as occurring once. 2 See WHITNEY's note on AV. XI. 326. 3 With Guna instead of Vṛddhi of final vowel; cp. BARTHOLOMAE, Studien 2, 165. —— 4 See WHITNEY's note on AV. VI. 66², where the reading afarit is better supported; cp. his note on AV. VI. 65¹. 5 With loss of the aoristic -s. is- Aorist Subjunctive. 530. Active forms of this mood are fairly common, but are almost exclusively limited to the 2. and 3. sing. Middle forms are very rare, occurring only in the pl., where not more than four examples have been noted. Active. Sing. 1. daviṣāṇi7. 2. avisas, kánişas, tāriṣas, rakṣiṣas, vádhisas, vádişșas (AV.), véșișas, šamsisas. 3- káriṣat, jambhisat, jósisat, tarişat, nindişat (AV.), párişat ('take across'), bódhișat, márdhisat, yācisat, yodhiṣat, rakṣiṣat, vanișat (AV.), vyathişat (VS. vi. 18), samsisat (TS. v. 6. 86), sanisat, sávisat (sū- 'vivify'). Pl. 3. sanişan9 (AV. v. 35). Middle. Pl. I. yāciṣāmahe, saniṣāmahe. sánişanta. — 6 From akş- ‘attain' (WHITNEY, Roots 1) a secondary form of Vat-; otherwise a sis- aorist from af- 'attain'. - 2. ájanisthas (AV.),. iş- Aorist Injunctive. 531. Forms of the injunctive are commoner than those of the subjunctive. In the active they are found almost exclusively in the 2. 3. sing., 2. du. and 2. 3. pl.; in the middle nearly a dozen forms occur, all but one in the sing. The forms of this mood have the accent on the root (as in the un-. augmented indicative). Active. Sing. 1. śámsiṣam, himsisam (VS. 1. 25). 3. vanişanta 10 (TS. Iv. 7. 14¹),. 7 Cp. v. SCHROEDER, WZKM. 13, 119-122. 8 This form occurs also in two passages of the AV.; in a third (AV. L 18²) sāviṣak appears instead of it. Cp. WHITNEY's note. on this passage, and his Grammar 151 a. 9 The corresponding passage of the RV. (x. 128³) has vanusanta, and of the TS (IV. 7. 14¹) vanişanta. 10 See preceding note.