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30 I. ALLGEMEINES UND SPRACHE. 4. VEDIC GRAMMAR. verbal forms), e. g. dúh-āna- and duduh-aná¹; before -ata (= IE. -ětő), e. g- pac-atá- 'cooked'2; before -an in majj-án- 'marrow' 3. 4. Nouns formed without suffix (including infinitives and gerunds) have the palatal of the corresponding verb; e. g. pre-as, nom. pl. 'food'; a-pre-as and a-pre-e 'to satisfy'; tuj-áye 'to procreate'. A guttural of course appears where the verb has a guttural only; e. g. pra-tánk-am (AV.) ‘gliding' (tak-'run'). 5. The suffix -ka is treated analogously to the final guttural of roots4. The guttural regularly appears except when the suffix, being attached to unaccented prepositions, is itself accented; thus asmá-ka- our'; yuşmá-ka- 'your'; ápa-ka- 'coming from afar'; abhí-ka- 'collision'; and even with the suffix accented in locatives such as upā-ké, upā-káyos 'in the vicinity and in the abl. para-kát 'from a distance'; but uc-cá and uc-cáis 'above'; parā-cáis ‘aside'; pas-cá and pas-cắt ‘behind'; prā-cáis 'forwards'. 39. Irregular palatalization. Before r and consonants (except y), the gutturals were not originally palatalized. Hence roots which regularly have palatals before a and diphthongs, usually retain the guttural before u r and consonants. Thus from ric- 'leave', are formed, rék-u- ‘empty', rék-ṇ-as- ‘property', perf. part. ririk-váms-; 3. sing. pres. rinák-ti, 2. sing. perf. mid. ririk-şe (but opt. riric-yāt); ug-rá- ‘mighty', beside ój-as- 'strength'; ghn- beside han- 'strike'). Nevertheless palatals appear by analogy before u, r, n, m, r, v: a. initially: 1. in the roots scut- ‘drip', crt- ‘bind', hṛṣ- ‘rejoice', in which the unphonetic palatal before the low grade vowels is due to the phonetic palatal before the high grade vowels o (= IE. ču) and ar (— IE. ěr). 2. in the reduplicative syllables cu-6 and ju- of the perfect and aorist. (in RV. occurring only in cyu- 'shake', gup- 'guard', gur- 'praise') for older

  • ca- *ja- (a è, the IE. reduplicative vowel).

= b. finally: 1. in verbal inflexion, the palatal which appears before a and diphthongs always appears also before u, and nearly always before m and (instead of the phonetic guttural); thus sisic-ur beside sisic-atur, sisic-e, from sic- 'pour'; bubhuj-máhe beside bhunáj-āmahe, from bhuj- ‘enjoy'; añj-mas beside añj-ánti, anáj-an from anj- 'anoint'; riric-ré beside riric-é, from ric- 'leave'; á-yuj-ran, yuyuj-ré beside yuyuj-é, from yuj- 'yoke'; duh-ré, duh-rate, duduh-ré, duh-rám and duh-ratam (AV.) beside duh-é, from duh- 'milk'. The guttural, however, regularly remains before the -nu of the 5th class: sak-nu- 'be able', sagh-nu- 'be equal to', spreading thence to other forms 7. Phonetic k remains before m in vivak-mi from vac- 'speak'; and before in vāvak-re beside vac-yáte, váñc-ati (AV. VS.) from vañc- 'move crookedly'. 2. in nominal derivation the guttural as a rule remains 8: e. g. rug-ná- 'broken', from ruj- 'break'; ruk-má- 'brilliant', from ruc- 'shine'; suk-rá-, śuk-lá- (AV.) 'bright', from suc- 'shine'; pak-vá- 'ripe', from pac- 'cook'. The perf. part. for the most part follows this rule: e. g. ru-ruk-váms-, from ruc- 'shine'; Strictly phonetic (but rarer) is dugh-on the other hand the palatal appears un- āna- ‘milking'; also vāgh-át- (IE. -nt-) ‘insti- | phonetically before in the intv. part. car- tutor of a sacrifice'. curyá-mana- from car- 'move'. 2 The kin sik-atā (AV. VS.) 'sand', is phonetic (IE. -nta-). 3 Beside yák-rt (AV.)ʻliver', and sák-rt'dung', the is found in the stems yak-an-, śak-an-, but only in weak forms before n or a (= n): yak-nás, yak-ná (VS.); šak-ná (VS.); sak-nás (AV.); śáka-bhis (TS.) 6 Otherwise cu occurs only in the ono- matopoetic ni-cumpuná- 'swell' and in a few words suggestive of foreign origin: cúmuri-, N. of a demon; cu-punākā, N. of a kritika (TS.). 7 Also dagh-nu- 'reach', in a Brāhmaṇa passage of the Kathaka, and stigh-nu- 4 See above 38 d, 1; WACKERNAGEL I, 129. | 'mount', in a similar one of the TS. 5 The phonetic guttural, however, appears 8 COLLITZ, BB. 3, 230 f.; J. SCHMIDT, in ghṛṣ-ú- 'lively', ghŕşvi- ‘gladdening'; while | KZ. 25, 70 f.