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VII. VERB. NOMINAL VERB FORMS. PAST PASSIVE PARTICIPLES. 4°3 from unaya- 'leave unfulfilled' (uná-). A few other forms occur in the later Samhitas. Thus the AV. has the peculiar form ásaparyait (AV. XIV. 22⁰), probably 3. sing. aorist, with -ait for it. The VS. (11.31) has the 3. pl. aorist a a-vrsay-is-ata 'they have accepted'. The TS. has the 2. pl. aor. papay-is-ta lead into evil' (used injunctively with má). The TS. (III. 2. 83) has also the future participles kandūyisyánt- ‘about to scratch', meghãyişyánt- 'about to be cloudy', sīkayişyánt- ‘about to drip', with the corresponding perfect participles passive kanḍūyitá-, meghitá-, šīkitá-. B. Nominal Verb Forms. 571 A large number of nominal formations partake of the verbal character inasmuch as they express time (present, past, or future); or the relations between subject and object, implying transitive or intransitive action, and active, middle, or passive sense. Such formations are participles (in- cluding verbal adjectives), infinitives, and gerunds. The participles formed from tense-stems having already been treated³, only those that are formed directly from the root remain to be dealt with. These are the verbal adjectives which have the value either of past passive participles or of future passive participles (otherwise called gerundives). a. Past Passive Participles. 572. The past passive participle is formed by adding, in the great majority of instances, the suffix -tá¹ (with or without connecting -i-), or far less commonly the suffix -ná (directly) to the root. When formed from a transitive verb, it has a passive as well as a past sense; e. g. as 'throw': as-tá- 'thrown'; dã- '‘give': dat-tá- 'given'. But when formed from an intransi- tive verb, it has a neuter past sense; e. g. gam- ‘go': ga-tá- ‘gone'; pat- ‘fall'

pat-i-tá- (AV.) ‘fallen'.

573 When -tá is added direct, the root tends to appear in its weak form. Very frequently, however, the form in which the root is generally stated, if ending im vowels, remains unchanged, while those ending in con- sonants are usually modified only in so far as is required by the rules of internal Sandhi; thus √mlā- : mlã-tá- ‘softened'; √yā : yā-tá- ‘gone'; √rā-

rã-tá- 'given'; Vji-ji-tá- 'conquered'; Véri-: śri-tá- leaning on'; Vprī:

pri-tá- rejoiced; √ bhí- : bhí-tá- 'frightened'; √yu- 1. 'yoke' and 2. 'ward off'

-yu-ta-; √ śru- : śru-tá- 'heard'; √ stu-: stu-tá- 'praised'; Vbhū- : bhū-tá- ‘be-

come'; Vhu-: hū-tá- 'called'; √ kr- : kṛ-tá- 'made'; √bhr- : -bhr-ta- 'borne'; Vvr- : vr-tá- 'covered' and 'chosen'; Vmrc- : mṛk-tá-5 (RV.) ‘mjureď'; √sic- : sik-tá- 'poured out'; Vtij tik-tá- 'sharp'; Vyuj: yuk-tá- 'yoked'; Vmrj-

mrs-tá- 'rubbed'; V sri- : srs-tá- 'discharged'; Vcit : cit-tá- 'perceived'; Vurt-:

vrt-tá- 'turned'; Vmad- 'be exhilarated': mat-tá- (AV.); Vidh-: id-dhá- 'kind- led'; V krudh-: krud-dhá- ‘angry'; Vtap-: tap-tá- 'hot'; Vrip-: rip-tá- (RV.) 'besmeared'; V dis- : dis-tá- 'shown'; Vnas : nas-tá- 'lost'; Vjus- : jus-tá- (RV¹.) 'gladdened' and jus-ta- 'welcome'; Vpis- : pis-tá- 'crushed'; √kas- : ví-kas-ta- 'split'; Vguh- : gü-ḍhá-6 ‘hidden'; Vtrh- : tr-dhá- 'crushed'; V dah-: dag-dhá-7 'burnt'; Vdih-: dig-dhá- (AV.) 'besmeared'; V duh- : dug-dhá- ‘milked'; V drh- ¹ Cp. v. NEGELEIN 41; BÖHTLINGK, ZDMG. 52, 510 ff. 2 As in the AB. form agrabhaisam beside agrabhit; cp. v. NEGELEIN 41, note 2. 3 See under declension 311-313, and in the account of the various tenses (present, perfect, aorist, future). 4 Cp. REICHELT, BB. 27, 95—97. 5 Only in the compounds á-mrkta- and myktá-vāhas-. 6 In roots in - which cerebralize the suffix, the vowel is lengthened as compen- sation for the loss of the cerebral z: cp. p. 51, note 2. 7 In the RV. only in agni-dagdhá- burnt with fire'. 26*