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VIII. INDECLINABLES. ADVERBIAL SUFFIXES. 425 A. Adverbial suffixes. 627. -as forms adverbs chiefly of a local or temporal meaning; thus tir-ás 'across', par-ás beyond', pur-ás 'before', sa-div-as and sa-dy-ás 'to-day', ‘at once'; sv-ás 'to-morrow', hy-ás 'yesterday'; also mith-ás 'wrongly'. 628. -tas expresses the ablative sense of 'from'. It forms adverbs: a. from pronouns; e. g. á-tas hence', ami-tas 'from there', kú-tas 'whence?', tá-tas ‘thence', yá-tas 'whence', and, with accent on the suffix, i-tás 'from hence', mat-tás (AV.) 'from me'. b. from adjectives and substantives; e. g. anyá-tas 'from another place', dakṣiṇa-tás 'from the right', sarvá-tas 'from all sides'; agra-tás ‘in front', hrt-tás 'from the heart', etc.; the suffix is added to a locative case-form in patsu-tás ‘at the feet', beside pat-tás 'from the feet'. c. from prepositions: ánti-tas 'from near', abhi-tas ‘around', pari-tas (AV.) 'round about'. a. These adverbs in -tas are sometimes used as equivalents of ablatives; e. g. áto bhuyas more than that'; tátaḥ şaşthắt (AV.) ‘from that sixth'. On the other hand, the ablative sense is sometimes effaced, the locative meaning taking its place; e. g. agra- tás in front'. 629. -tāt (an old ablative of ta 'this')' has an ablative or a loca- tive meaning. It is attached to adverbial case-forms and adverbial or ad- nominal prepositions; thus údak-tat 'from above', prák-tat 'from the front'; arát-tat 'from afar', uttarát-tat 'from the north', parakát-tat 'from a distance'; paścá-tat 'from behind'; adhás-tāt 'below', avás-tat 'below', parás-tāt ‘beyond', purás-tät 'in or from the front, and with inserted s (probably due to the influence of the preceding forms) upári-ṣ-ṭāt ‘(from) above'. 630. -ti in án-ti 'near', i-ti 'thus'; probably also in á-ti 'beyond', prá-ti 'towards'. 631. -tra or trá has a local sense, and is mostly attached to pro- nominal stems or stems allied to pronouns in sense; thus á-tra 'here', amú- tra (AV.) 'there', kú-tra 'where?', tá-tra 'there', yá-tra ‘where'; anyá-tra 'else- where', ubhayá-tra 'in both places', visvá-tra 'everywhere'; asma-trắ ‘among us', sa-tră in one place', 'together'; daksina-trá 'on the right side', puru-trá 'in many places', bahu-trá ‘amongst many'; deva-trá 'among the gods', pāka-trá in simplicity', purușa-trắ ‘among men', martya-trá ‘among mortals', sayu-trá 'on a couch'. a. These adverbs in -trå are sometimes used as equivalents of locatives; e. g. yátrádhi ‘in which’, hásta á dakṣina-trá “in the right hand'. This locative sense also some- times expresses the goal; e. g. pathó devatrá..yanān (x. 737) 'roads that go to the gods'. 632. -tha forms adverbs of manner, especially from pronominal stems; thus á-thā (more usually with shortened vowel, átha) 'then', i-t-thá 'thus', imá-tha in this manner', ka-thắ 'how'; tá-thā 'thus', yá-tha 'in which manner'; anyá-tha 'otherwise', višvá-thā 'in every way'; ūrdhvá-thā ‘upwards', pūrvá-thā 'formerly', pratná-thā ‘as of old'; rtu-thá ‘regularly', nāmá-thā (AV.) ‘by name'; evá-tha 'just so'. a. -thám occurs beside -tha in it-thảm “thus, and ka-thám ‘how?. 633. -dā forms adverbs of time almost exclusively from pronominal roots; thus i-dá 'now', ka-dắ² when?', ta-dá ‘then', ya-då ‘at what time'; sá-da 'always'; sarva-dá (AV.) ‘always'. a. -dam occurs beside -da in så-dam 'always'; and -dá-nīm, an extended form of-da, appears in i-dá-nīm 'now', ta-dá-nīm 'then', viśva-dá-nīm 'always'. I In the RV. tắt itself is once used in- dependently in the sense of 'in this way'. 2 In the RV. nearly always accented kádā when followed by caná 'never'.