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VIII. INDECLINABLES. PARTICLES. 429 (*śána-) and śánakais id; sána¹ 'from of old' (sána-); samaná 'in the same way' (sámana-); tiraśc-á 'across'; nic-a 'downwards'; prac-á 'forwards'. B. anu-sthu-y-á² at once' (anu-sthú 'following', adv. from stha- 'stand'); asu-y-á 'swiftly' (āśú-); dhṛṣṇu-y-á ‘boldly' (dhṛṣnú-); mithu-y-á 'falsely' (míthu, adv. from mith- 'be hostile'); raghu-y-á 'rapidly' (raghú-); sadhu-y-á 'straight' (sadhú); also urviy-á (for urvy-á) 'far', from urvi f. of uri- 'wide'; and víśvy-a 'everywhere', from *visvi-, irregular f. of viśva- all', beside the regular inst. f. visvaya, which itself seems once (VIII. 68²) to be used adverbially. c. Pronominal instrumentals are formed from several stems in -a and one in -u. Some appear in the masculine (or neuter) form of -a or the feminine of -ya; so aná 'thus' (aná- 'that'); amá ‘at home' (áma- 'this'); a-yá 'thus' (a- 'this'); end 'thus' (ena- 'this'); ka-yá 'how?' (ká- 'who?'); ubhayá 'in both ways' (ubháya- 'both'). From amú- 'that' is formed the adverb amu-y-á 'in that way', with the anomalous interposition of y3. To the influence of the latter word is probably due the form kuhayá 'where?' (RV.) beside the usual kuha 'where?'. 644. a. Dative. The adverbial use of this case is rare. Examples are: aparáya 'for the future' (from ápara- 'later'); váraya ‘according to wish' (vára- 'choice'). b. Ablative. This case is on the whole used adverbially fairly often. It is, however, seldom formed from substantives, as ārất 'from a distance', āsát 'from near'; or from pronouns, as at 'then', tát 'thus', yát 'as far as'. It is most commonly formed from adjectives; thus dūrát 'from afar'; nīcát 'from below'; paścát 'from behind'; saksát 'visibly'; and with shifted accent: adharát 'below' (ádhara-); apakát 'from afar' (ápaka-); amát 'from near' (áma-); uttarát 'from the north' (úttara-); sanat and sanakát 'from of old' (sána-). c. Genitive. The adverbial use of this case is very rare. Examples are aktós by night' and vástos 'in the morning'. d. Locative. Several forms of this case have an adverbial meaning; thus ágre 'in front'; abhi-svaré 'behind' (lit. 'within call'); astam-iké 'at home'; aké 'near'; arés 'afar'; rté 'without'; duré 'afar'; and in the plural aparişu 'in future'. 3. Particles. DELBRÜCK, Altindische Syntax WHITNEY, Sanskrit Grammar 122, 132-133- p. 240-267. Cp. BRUGMANN, KG. 817-855. 645. Other adverbial words, the derivation of which is obscure and the meaning of which is abstract or general, may be classed as particles. They form three groups, the emphatic, the conjunctional, and the negative, the first being the most numerous. The emphatic particles, as throwing stress on a preceding word, are either enclitic or incapable of beginning a sentence; the conjunctional particles, except utá, are of a similar nature; but the nega- tives, having a strongly antithetical meaning, generally occupy an emphatic position in the sentence. - - 646. The emphatic particles may usually be translated by such words as 'just', 'indeed', or rendered merely by stress on the word they follow. In the last three adverbs the accent does not shift to the final syllable. 2 These anomalous forms are due per- haps to the influence of the pronominal amu-y-á. 3 The anomalous interposition of y is 140. perhaps due to the influence of the numerous adverbs in -ya from stems in -a, amu- being an isolated pronominal u- stem. 4 sanat occurs also AA. v. 2. 2¹5. 5 On āré, ärát, rte cp. NEISSER, BB. 19,