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I. ALLGEMEINES UND SPRACHE. 4. VEDIC GRAMMAR. analogy of similar words with phonetic cerebral. In padbhís with feet', and perhaps pád-grbhi-, N., it is due to padbhís, inst. pl. of both pás- 'look', and of pás- 'cord', and to pádbiša-, páḍvīša (VS.) 'fetter', which is derived from pás- 'cord'¹ Váșaț and śráuşat, sacrificial calls, probably for vákṣat and

  • śróşat (3. sing. aor. subj. of vah- 'convey', and sru- 'hear'), seem to owe their

cerebral to the influence of the sacrificial call vắt (VS.), váț (TS.), 3. sing. aor. of Vvah. The ḍ of purodáš 'sacrificial cake' (from dāś- ‘worship'), is perhaps due to du-dás- 'impious' (for duz-dāś-)². d. In a few instances a cerebral t or d appears in place of the cerebral sibilant s. The phonetic representative of the latter before bh would be d (parallel to d for IE. z before bh)³, where it appears in viprúḍ-bhis (VS.) 'with drops'. From here the cerebral spread to the nom. sing., where it appears in vi-prut (AV.) 'drop', from prus- 'sprinkle', and in edhamana-dvit 'hating the arrogant' (from dvis- 'hate'). 34 The cerebral d also appears before the -dhi of the 2. sing. impv. fors in aviddhi (— avi-s-dhi) aor. of av- 'favour', and in viviḍḍhi (= viviş-dhi), red. aor. of vis- be active'. The phonetic form here would be *īḍh (= i-dh)*, instead of which iddh appears under the influence, perhaps, of the cognate verbal forms with the short vowel (avistu, avistám etc.). 43. Cerebrals in many instances represent the old palatals j š h. They are found thus: a. as final: 1. in nom. sing. m. f.: bhrát 'lustre' (bhráj-); rắt 'ruler' (ráj-); vipāt, N. of a river (vipās-); vít 'settlement' (víš-), spát ‘spying' (spáš-); sắț 'overcoming' (sáh-); -váț 'conducting' (-vāh-), pasthavát (VS.), -vắt (TS.). The guttural k would have been phonetic in this case, as the nom. sing. originally ended in s5, and even the old palatals became k before s; the cerebral must here therefore be due to the influence of forms in which it was phonetic. 2. in nom. acc. sát, from sás- ‘six’. As k might have been expected (IE. sveks), the cerebral is doubtless due to forms containing sas-, as sasti- ‘sixty', saṣṭhá- (AV. VS.) ‘sixth'. 3. in the first member of a compound, where the final of the nom. sing. appears, in sát- 'six', and pád- (from pás- 'cord', in pád-bisa-). 4. in 2. 3. sing. aor. for the radical palatal after the endings have been dropped: thus á-bhrāṭ (bhrāj- ‘shine'); yāṭ (yaj- 'sacrifice'); rāṭ (rāj- ‘shine'); nat, á-nat (nas- 'reach'); á-prāṭ (pras- 'ask' in pras-ná- 'question'); á-vat (vah- 'convey'). Here t is phonetic in the 3. pers. only, standing for s-t (= IE. k-t). It has been transferred to the 2. sing., where k would be phonetic (standing 'egg', and mandika- 'frog', see WACKER-rtvik 'sacrificer' (Vyaj-); úrk (VS.) 'nourish- NAGEL I, 147, note. ment' (ur); dik (AV.) 'region' (dis-). For -dik, the later Samhitãs have -dýň also. In ¹ Op. cit. 1, 148 a (p. 172, top). 2 The form vy-ávat in MS. III. 49 (B.) the n. nom. the m. f. form appears: -dik, beside vy-àvāt, AV. VIII. 1²2r, from vi-vas--sprk; but as there was no s here, it 'shine forth', is probably due to the influence must be assumed that the cerebral was of a-vāṭ, aor. of V/vah-; but cp. BARTHOLOMAE, originally used in these neuter forms. In Studien 1, 24, note. On the cerebral in avațá- (SV. VS.), beside avatá-, naḍá- 'reed', beside nadó-, and in kitá- (AV.), markáța- (VS.) cp. WACKERNAGEL I, 148 b, note. 3 See below 44 a, 3. bhisáj- 'healer', the k has spread from the nom. to other cases, where it is not phonetic (cp. WACKERNAGEL 1, 138). The original value of the palatal in usij- 'desiring', usnih- (AV. VS.), a kind of metre, which have k in the nom. is uncertain. The k in the nom. 5 This phonetic k for an old palatal is nák ‘night' is probably not based on an old preserved in the nominatives -dŕk 'seeing' | palatal (cp. WACKERNAGEL I, 149 a (drs-), -spŕk “touching' (spré-), spŕk ‘desiring' | note). (sprh-), an-ák 'eyeless' (-aks: al- 'penetrate'); 4 Cp. above 17, 5.