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432 I. ALLGEMEINES UND SPRACHE. 4. VEDIC GRAMMAR. VIII. INDECLINABLES. 657. dus- (appearing also, according to the euphonic combination, as dur-, dus-, dus-), means 'ill', 'hard to'; e. g. dur-gá- '(place) difficult of access', dur-yúj- 'ill-yoked', dur-mati- 'ill-will'; dus-cyavaná- 'hard to shake'; duş-krtá- 'ill-done'; dus-şáha- 'irresistible'. 658. su- 'well', 'easy to' is compounded with a much larger number of words than dus-*; e. g. su-kára- 'easy to accomplish'; su-kŕt- 'acting well', su-gá- 'easy of access', su-mati- 'good-will', su-yúj- 'well-yoked'. It is, however, still found in a state of transition in the RV., where it occurs independently more than 200 times 3, being then connected in sense with the verb only4; e. g. asmăn sú jigyúsah krtam (1. 177) 'make us well victorious'5. 4. Interjections. 659. A certain number of words having the nature of interjections occur in the Samhitās. They are of two kinds, being either exclamations or imitative sounds. a. The exclamations are bát (RV.) 'truly', bata (RV.) ‘alas!', hánta 'come' used exhortatively with the subjunctive, and hayé 'come', before voca- tives, hiruk 'away!', hurúk (RV.) ‘away!', hái (AV.) ‘ho!'. Perhaps uvé (x. 867) 6. b. Interjections of the onomatopoetic type are: kikirá (RV.) used with kr 'make the sound kikirá' = 'tear to tatters'; kikkitá (TS.) used in invoca- tions (TS. III. 4. 2¹); ciścá (RV.) 'whiz!' (of an arrow) used with kr- 'make a whizzing sound'; phát (AV. VS.) 'crash!', phál (AV. xx. 135³) 'splash!'; bá (TS. AV.) 'dash!'; bhúk (AV. xx. 135¹) ‘bang!', sál (AV. xx. 135²) ‘clap! — ¹ See GRASSMANN, Wörterbuch, columns |sz ápayati may he go well away' as a 614-619. compound: su-ápāyati; but this is doubt- less an error for sú | ápa | ayati. See WHIT- NEY's note on this passage in his Translation of the AV. 2 Op. cit., columns 1526-1560. 3 In the AV. it is still used independently, but only 14 times. 4 See GRASSMANN, op. cit., §. V. sú. 5 The Pada text of AV. XIX. 4910 treats 6 See NEISSER, BB. 30, 303; cp. above p. 337, note 7.