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AA. AB. AJPh. Apr. ASL. AV. Av. B. BB. BEZZENBERGER's Beiträge. BI. BR. = C. = = = = - - - GGA. IE. S. ŚA. ŚB. = L - = = IF. IIr. IS. Indische Studien. — = = JAOS. K. KG. = Kh. Khila. - KUHN'S Zeitschrift. KZ. MS. Maitrāyaņī Samhitā. N. O. u. O. Pp. Pada-patha. - = - 1 Avesta. Brāhmana. Bibliotheca Indica. BÖHTLINGK and ROTH (St. Petersburg Dictionary). Classical Sanskrit. = = Aitareya-Araṇyaka. Aitareya-Brāhmana. American Journal of Philology. pw. Paipp. Paippalāda. RPr. Rigveda-Prātiśākhya. RV. Rigveda. Sūtra. Journal of the American Oriental Society. Kathaka. BRUGMANN'S Kurze Vergleichende Grammatik. - Atharva-Prātiśākhya. Ancient Sanskrit Literature. Atharva-Veda. = - Göttingische Gelehrte Anzeigen. Indo-European. Indogermanische Forschungen. Indo-Iranian. (Proper) Name. LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS. = - = SBE. SV. TB. TPr. TS. = Up. = V. VPr. VS. Wb. WZKM. = YV. = ZDMG. = Petersburger Wörterbuch (BÖHTLINGK's Smaller Lexicon). Orient und Occident. Sankhayana-Aranyaka. Satapatha-Brahmaņa. Sacred Books of the East. Sama-Veda. Vedic. Taittiriya-Brahmaņa. Taittiriya-Prātiśākhya. Taittiriya-Samhitā. Upanishad. Vājasaneyi-Prātisakhya. (1) Vajasaneyi-Samhitā; (2) Vedische Studien. = Wörterbuch. Wiener Zeitschrift für die Kunde des Morgenlandes. Yajur-Veda. Zeitschrift der Deutscheu Morgenländischen Gesellschaft.