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INTRODUCTION General scope of this work I. Verbal Authenticity of the Texts 2. I. PHONOLÓGY — page 5-59 Ancient pronunciation 3. The sounds of the Vedic Language 4. 1. The simple Vowels 6-14. 2. The Diphthongs 15- 16. — Lengthening of Vowels 17.- Loss of Vowels 18. Contraction 19. Hiatus 20. Vowel Gradation 22-29. The Consonants 30-47: Doubling of Con- sonants 30. Modes of Articulation 31. Loss of Aspiration 32. Aspirates in con- tact with other Mutes 33. The five Classes of Mutes 34-45: 1. Gutturals 34. 2. Palatals 35-38.-Irregular Palatalization 39. Old Palatals 40-41. 3. Cerebrals 42-43. 4. Dentals 44. 5. Labials 45. Nasals 46. Cerebral n 47. Semivowels 48—52. Sibilants 53-57.— The Breathing h 58. Cerebral ? 59. Anusvāra and Anunāsika 60. Voiceless Spirants 61. -Loss of Consonants 62. Metathesis 63. Syllable 64. II. EUPHONIC COMBINATION (SANDHI) page 59-76. Nature of Vedic Sandhi 65. Finals in pausā 66. Rules of Sandhi 67. Lengthening of Final Vowels 68.-Con- traction of Similar Vowels 69. Con- traction of a with Dissimilar Vowels 70. Final 2 and ≈ before Dissimilar Vowels 71. Final e and o 72. The Diphthongs ai and au 73. Sandhi of Consonants 74. Sandhi of Final m 75; of Final t 76; of Final n 77; of Final s 78; of Final r 79. Initial Aspiration 80. Sandhi of Componnds 81. - Extension of External to Internal Sandhi 82. - - - - - - - • - 1 - - CONTENTS. page 1-5 IV. NOMINAL STEM FORMATION page 107-143. Primary and Secondary Suffixes 112. 1. Primary Nominal Derivation: Action Nouns and Agent Nouns 113. I. Pri- mary Nominal Suffixes 114-189. 2. Secondary Nominal Derivation: Form and Meaning 190.- Secondary Nominal Suffixes 191-240. - - · - III. ACCENT. page 76-107 General Character of the Vedic Accent 83. Methods of Marking the Accent 84. Normal Accent, Double Accent, Lack of Accent 85. I. Accentuation of Nominal Stems 86. 2. Accentuation of Compounds 87: of Iteratives 88; of Go- verning Compounds 89; of Possessives 90; of Determinatives 91 ; of Copulatives 92. — 3. Accent in Declension 93-94.-4. Verbal Accent 95-101. 5. Accent of Nominal Verb forms 102—107.—6. Accent in Sandhi 108. 7. Sentence Accent 109-11I. - -- V. COMPOUNDS page 143-178 A. First Mem- Form of Compounds 241. ber of Compounds 242-251. B. Last Member of Compounds 252-256.-Classi- fication of Compounds 257: 1. Iteratives 258. 2. Copulatives (Dvandvas) 259- 268. 3. Determinatives 269-284. 4. Possessives (Bahuvrihis) 285-291. 5. Governing Compounds 292. - 6. Syn- tactical Compounds 293. VI. DECLENSION. page 178-312. General Character 294. I. NOUNS 295. A. Consonant Stems 296—365. I. Pala- tal Stems 297-303. 2. Cerebral Stems 304. 3. Dental Stems 305-333: Stems in -t 306-308. — Derivate Stems in -vat, -tat, -it, -ut and secondary - 309-310. Participial Stems in-at and-ant 311-314.- Stems in -mant and -vant 315-316. Stems in Radical -th 317. Stems in -d 318-320. Stems in dh 321-322. Stems in Radical -n 323-324- vative Stems in -an, -man, -van 325-331. Stems in -in, -min, -vin 332-333- 4. Labial Stems 334-338. — 5. Stems in Sibilants 339-350: in Radical -s and -s 339-340, in Derivative -is and -us 341- 342, in Derivative -as 343-344, in-yāms 345 346, in -vāms 347-348, in Radical - 349-350. 6. Stems in Radical h 351 352. 7. Stems in Semivowels 353-365: in Radical - 354-355, in Deri- vative -ar and -tar 356—360, in -y (-āy) and -v (-av and-āv) 361-365.-B. Vowel Stems 366-389. I a. Stems in Radical -ā 367— 368.-1 b. Stems in Radical -a 369—370.- 2 a. Stems in Derivative -a 371-372. 2 b. Stems in Derivative -ā 373-374. 3 a. Stems in Radical - 375-376. 3 b. Stems in Derivative - 377—378. 4 a. Stems in Radical -i 379. — 4 b. Stems in Derivative -i 380-381. — 5 a. Radical - stems 382-383. 5 b. Derivative - . - - - - - — www.m - Deri-