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I. PHONOLOGY. CEREBRAL S. 49 ß. In the later Samhitās initial s is similarly changed to s; but its retention is in some instances somewhat less restricted; thus abhi sphurjati (AV.) 'sounds towards'; ádhi skanda (AV.) and abhi-skándam 1, beside pari-skandá- (AV., VS.), from skand- 'leap'; prati-spášana- (AV.) ‘lying in wait', prati-spasá- (TS.) 'spying'; ánu sthana (TS. v. 6. 1³), from as- 'be'; owing to the following s also in abhí sisyade (AV.) from syand- 'run'. 7. The divergence between the later Samhitãs and the RV. is much greater when the augment intervenes between a preposition ending in i and the initial s of a root. In the RV. the regularly remains unchanged (as ny-ásidat, vy-ásthāt, etc.) except in pary ásasvajat 'embraced' (under the influence of pári sasvaje). In the other Samhitas, however, the here regularly becomes ; thus abhy-ásincan (TS.), abhy-ásicyanta (AV.) from sic- 'sprinkle'; vy-àşahanta (AV.) 2, from sah- 'overcome'; ádhy-astham (AV.), ádhy- aşthat (AV.), abhy-àstham (AV.) from stha- 'stand'. In the root sthi- 'spit', which first occurs in the AV., the initial s has been displaced by s throughout. The form praty ásthivan indicates the transition which led to the change. Similarly when a reduplicative syllable containing å intervenes between a preposition ending in i and an initial radical s, the latter always remains unchanged in the RV.; thus pári şasvaje; ni-sasáttha (VIII. 489); ati-tastháu (x. 603); but the AV. has vi-taşthiré, vi taşthe (owing to vi tişthate, vi-sthita-), but also ádhi tasthúr. S b. Initially in the second member of other than verbal compounds is more common than s when preceded by vowels other than a. But s even in the RV. the is not infrequently retained; not only when or r follows as in hrdi-spŕs- 'touching the heart', su-sártu-, N., ṛṣi-svará- ‘sung by seers', but also when there is no such cause to prevent the change; thus gó-sakhi- beside gó-şakhi- 'possessing cattle'; go-sáni- (AV. VS.) beside go-sani- 'winning cattle'; rayi-sthána- beside rayi-ṣṭhána- (AV.) possessing wealth'; tri-saptá- beside tri-șaptá- (AV.) 'twenty-one'; si-samiddha- beside sú-samiddha- (SV.) 'well-kindled'; apake-stha- (AV.) 'standing in the oven' beside ştha- in other compounds after -e; prthivi-sád- (VS.) beside prthivi- sád- (AV.) 'seated on the earth'; si-samrddha- (AV.) 'quite perfect'. After r the s becomess in svar-sá- 'light-winning', svàr-sati- 'obtainment of light'; after k, probably only in yk-sama- (TS.) ‘resembling a rc, beside yk-sama- (VS.). a. In Avyayībhāvas s seems to appear in the RV. only; thus anu- svadhám ‘according to wish'; anu-şatyám 'according to truth'; anu-șvápam 'sleepily'. 8. In some compounds appears where it is not phonetically justifiable, owing to the influence of cognate words; thus upa-stút, adv., ‘at one's call' (because of the frequency of -stu- after i and u), beside úpa-stut- 'invocation'; sa-stúbh- (TS.), a metre, owing to anu-șṭubh-, tri-stúbh-; savya-ṣṭhắ- (AV.), owing to compounds in -e-stha-. 7. In Âmreḍita compounds, however, the s regularly remains unchanged because of the desire to leave the repeated word unaltered; thus suté-sute and somé-some 'at every Soma draught'; also in stuhi stuhi 'praise on'³. 3. Initially in external Sandhi s frequently becomes after a final i and u in the RV. This change chiefly takes place in monosyllabic pronouns and particles, such as sá(s), sá, syá(s), sīm, sma, svid, and particularly sú. It also appears in verbal forms like stha sthas sthana, santu, syām, syāma (from as- 'be'); sīdati, satsat, satsi (from sad- 'sit'); sinca, siñcata (from sic- 'pour'); stavama, stave, stuhi (from stu- 'praise'); in participles like sán, satás (from as- 'be'); sidan (from sad sit'); suvanás (su- 'press'); sitám (si- 'bind'); stutás (stu- 'praise'); skannám (skand- ‘leap'). In other words the change member of the compound and often in external Sandhi; see below 78. 3 This is not treated as an Amredita compound in the Padapatha (VII. 130): stuhi stuhi it; but piba-piba (1. II¹¹) is ¹ Cp. APr. II. 104. 2 Cp. WHITNEY's Translation of the AV. analyzed as piba-piba|it|. 1, p. LXIV (mid.). Indo-arische Philologie I, 4.