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III. Accent. Accentuation of Nominal Stems. 83

kir-dna- m. 'dust', krp-dna- n. 'misery' (but krp-and- 'miserable' AV.), dams- dna- n. 'great deed', vrj-dna- n. 'enclosure', ves-dna- n. 'service'; and the adjectives tur-dij.a- -hastening', doh-dna- 'milking', bhand-dna- (VS. TS.) 'rejoicing', man-dna- 'considerate', mand-dna- 'joyful', saks-dna- 'overcoming'. When the stem is compounded with a verbal prefix, the root is nearly always accented; e.g. sam-gdmana- 'gathering together'; but the final syllable is accented in vi-caksand- 'conspicuous', upari-sayand- (AV.) 'couch'.

7. The suffix -ana^ whether forming the feminine of adjectives in -ana or f action nouns, is always accented either on the penultimate or the final syllable; e. g. tur-dm- 'speeding', spand^ana- (AV.) 'kicking'; arh-dna- 'merit',

jar-and- 'old age'. The word pft-ana- 'fight' is irregularly accented on the radical syllable.

8. The suffix -an/ is always accented, either on the final or the pen- ultimate syllable; e. g. dyot-ani- 'brilliance'; as-dni- 'missile'.

g. The suffix -am being the feminine form of action and agent nouns in -ana, is similarly accented; e. g. pis-ani- (AV.) 'beautiful' {pe's-ana-). The accent is, however, sometimes shifted to the final syllable; e. g. tap-ani- 'heat' {idp-ana-).

10. Stems formed with the suffix -as accent the root if they are action nouns, but the suffix if they are agent nouns; e. g. dp-as- n. 'work', but ap-ds- 'active'. There are also some masc. substantives with the accent on the suffix; e. g. raks-ds- m. beside rdks-as- n. 'demon'.

11. The suffix -a, forming action nouns from roots and secondary con- jugation stems, is invariably' accented; e. g. nind-a- (AV.) 'blame'; jigis-d- 'desire to win'; gamay-d- (AV.) 'causing to go'; asvay-A- 'desire for horses'.

12. The suffix -ana^ forming middle participles, is normally accented on the final syllable; e. g. ad-and- 'eating'. Reduplicated stems, however, regularly accent the first syllable; e. g. dad-ana- 'giving', johuv-ana- 'invoking'. A few others accent the root; e. g. cit-ana- (AV.) 'shining', dyut-ana- (RV'.) 'beaming' (beside the usual dyut-and-Y. There are also a few adjectives and substantives ending in -ana in which the primary character of the suffix or the derivation of the word is doubtful. These also accent the first syllable; e. g. vdsav-ana- 'possessing wealth', pdrs-ana- m. 'abyss' J.

13. No general rule can be stated regarding the suffix -i, either the suffix or the root being accented with about equal frequency; e. g. aj-i- 'race', grah-i- 'seizure'. Action nouns used as infinitives, however, regularly accent the suffix; e. g. drs-dye 'to see'. Reduplicated derivatives tend to accent the initial syllable; e.g. cdkr-i- 'active'; while stems compounded with a preposition usually accent the final syllable; e. g. para-dad-i- 'delivering over'.

14. Stems formed with the superlative suffix -istha regularly accent the root; e. g. ydj-istha- 'sacrificing best'. The only exceptions are jyesthd- when meaning 'eldest' (but jyistha- 'greatest') and kan-isthd- 'youngest' (but kdn- istha- 'smallest', TS. B). When the stem is compounded with a preposition tiie latter is accented; e. g. a-gam-istha- 'coming best'.

15. The suffix -is is nearly always accented; e. g. arc-is- 'flame'. The exceptions are am-is- 'raw flesh', j-j^V-w- 'light', and vydth-is- 'course' (?).

16. The few action and agent nouns formed with the suffix -r, are accented either on the root or the suffix; e. g. deh-i- 'rampart', idc-i- 'power'.

1 If jahgha- 'leg' is formed with this suffix, it is the only exception.

2 See Lindner p. 54, top.

3 See below, Nominal stem formation, under -ana- (130).