Page:Victor Hugo's Works (Guernsey Edition) v14.djvu/68

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Alas! she died.


Died! There are deaths 't is comfort to look back on;
Hers was not such a death. A devil came
Across our quiet life, and marked her beauty,
And lusted for her; and when she scorned his offers,
Because he was a noble, great and strong,
He bore her from my side, by force, and after
I never saw her more; they brought me news
That she was dead.


Ah me!


And I was mad
For years and years, and when my wits came back—
If e'er they came—they brought one haunting purpose,
That since has shaped my life,—to have revenge!
Revenge upon her wronger and his order;
Revenge in kind; to quit him,—wife for wife!


Father, 't is not for me to question with you;
But think! revenge belongeth not to man
It is God's attribute, usurp it not!


Preach abstinence to him that dies of hunger,
Tell the poor wretch who perishes of thirst,
There's danger in the cup his fingers clutch;
But bid me not forswear revenge. No word!
Thou know'st now why I mew thee up so close;
Keep thee nut of the streets; shut thee from eyes