Page:Victoria, with a description of its principal cities, Melbourne and Geelong.djvu/108

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nually besieged; and although every precaution was observed to prevent the men imbibing more than was sufficient for refreshment, the extremely droughty season caused several to elude the vigilant measures adopted, little aware of the punishment they were hoarding up for such delinquency. Another hour, and they became the victims to the most excruciating pain and suffering. A considerable number had but recently arrived in the colony, and were not, therefore, properly colonized to immoderate draughts of 'colonial.' In every form of internal bodily commotion did this deleterious compound operate; and the contortionist might have derived many an instructive lesson for his guidance, and the caricaturist found ample scope for the exercise of his pencil, in the strangely distorted countenances their racking pains produced. We remained about an hour, and, thanks to our commissary department (which, I can assure you, is an excellent travelling companion), I partook of some good substantial refreshment, feeling quite fresh, and equal to a continuation of the march.

"The country on leaving Rocky Bank is somewhat prettier, but not picturesque; in every way adapted for grazing purposes, and would, no doubt, be of considerable agricultural importance if under a proper system of irrigation. We continued our march for about eight miles farther, without any incident occurring worth recording. We then passed through Melton, a beautiful quiet village. Adjacent are seve-