Page:Victoria, with a description of its principal cities, Melbourne and Geelong.djvu/149

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remained with the infantry; and Mr. Amos guided the cavalry to their position.

"I cannot omit from my dispatch the expression of my deep regret at the dangerous wound received by Captain Wise of the 40th Regiment, who, remaining at his post after getting a slight wound, fell on the inside of the entrenchment when conspicuously leading his company to the attack. Lieutenant Paul, 12th Regiment, also received a severe wound, but continued to do his duty in the ranks.

"The number of killed and wounded on the side of the insurgents was great, but I have no means of ascertaining it correctly. I have reason, however, to believe that there were not less than thirty killed on the spot, and I know that many have since died of their wounds. Amongst these and the persons in custody, several leaders of the insurrection appear, two of whom lie dangerously if not mortally wounded in hotels near the spot.

"The effect of this blow has been that the police now patrol, in small bodies, the length and breadth of the Ballaarat Gold Fields, without threats or insults. To such of the wounded as have not been removed, I have sent medical assistance, and have caused the unclaimed dead to be taken away and buried in the cemetery.

"I have the honour to be, &c., &c., &c.,

"Captain, 40th Regiment,
"Commanding troops at Ballaarat.

"Deputy Adjutant-General,
"Head Quarters."