Page:Victoria, with a description of its principal cities, Melbourne and Geelong.djvu/230

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1. The persons to be brought into the colony must be in good health, free from all bodily or mental defects; of good moral character, sober, industrious, and in the habit of working for wages at the occupation specified in the application forms. Children under the age of fifteen years must be accompanied by some competent person who will take charge of them during the voyage.

2. The names, ages, relationship, married or single state, occupation and address of the persons for whom passages are requested, must be furnished by the applicant according to the accompanying form:

Christian Name and Surname at full length. Age. Whether Married or Single. Relation-
Trade or Calling. Address at full length of the place or town and street where living in the United Kingdom.

3. The applicant will then be informed of the amount to be paid to secure the passages, and upon payment of this sum he will receive a certificate which he will forward to his friends by post.

4. The amount to be paid will depend on the number of the persons to be introduced, their age, sex, occupation, and other circumstances. It will generally be within the following limits:—

Sex. Under 1 year l and under 12. 12 and under 30. 30 and under 40. 40 and under 50. 50 and upwards.
£ £ £ £ £ £
Male 1 to 2 3 to 4 4 to 6 6 to 8 8 to 12 12 to 18
Female 1 to 2 2 to 3 2 to 3 3 to 4 4 to 6 10 to 18