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LECTURES ON ARCHITECTURE AND PAINTING. WWi Fourteen Cuts drawn by the Author. Second EdUion. Crown Svo, price 8*. 6rf. cloth,

  • ' Mr. Rttskhi'B LectnreB— eloquent, grapHie, and Impawkmed—ezposixig and ridJeaHng some

of fhe vices of onr present system of building, and exciting his hearers by strong motiTes of duty and pleasure to attend to arcMtectnre— «re very sacoMsfnl ; and, like his former works, will command public attention. His style is terse, vigorous, and sparkling, and his book is boih animated and attractiye.'*— .£«momi«^

    • We conoeire it to be impossible that any intelligent persons could listen to the lectures,

however they might differ from the Judgments asserted, and from the general propositions laid down, without an elevating influence and an aroused enthusiasm, which are often more fttdtfol in producing true taste and correct views of art than the soundest historical generalizations and the most learned technical criticism in which the heart and the senses own no interest"— Spectator. vn. NOTES OK THE PRINCIPAL PICTURES EXHIBITED AT THE ROYAL ACADEMY, and the SOCIETY OF PAINTERS IN WATER COLOURS. No. II.— 1856. /^xih Edidon^ wUh Postscript. Svo, price ^d, vm. PRE-RAPHAELITISM. t70, 2s, sewed.

    • We wish that this pamphlet might be largely read by our art-patrons, and studied by onr

art*critlc8. There is much to be collected from it which is very important to remember."— €hMrdkm, THE OPENING OF THE CRYSTAL PALACE: Considered in some of its relations to the Prospects of Art. 8tK>) price 1«., sewed. M An earnest and eloquent appeal for the preservation of the ancient monuments of Gothic arcbiteotmre."^-l!!R^li<A CSkwrchnum. " A wholesome and much needed protest."— Zea<2er. THE KING OF THE GOLDEN RIVER; OR, THE BLAOK BROTHERS. Third EdiHouy with 22 lUttStratione by Bighabd Dotle. 2«. 6dL " This little fairy tale is by a master hand. The story has a charming moral, and the writing is so excellent, tiiat it would be hard to say which it will give most pleatnie w, thd very wise man or the very simple child." — Sxmmmer. EXAMPLES OF THE ARCHITECTURE OF VENICE, SELECTED Ain> DRAWN Tb HEAStniEMEKT FROM THt: EBIFtCEd. In Parts of Folio Imperied size, each containing Five fiateSy and a shori Explanatory Text, price XL Is. each* PARTS I. TO in. ABE PtTBLISHEt). Fifty India Proofs onJty are Uxhen on AUas FoUo, price 21. 2$. each Part Digitized by Google