Page:Victoria, with a description of its principal cities, Melbourne and Geelong.djvu/81

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upon a flock quietly feeding, which appeared quite regardless of our approach. It is most curious that these birds, so exceedingly wary on the appearance of either a pedestrian or horseman, will, nevertheless, allow a bullock-team to come quite close to them. I am ashamed to confess the bait was too tempting to prevent us firing on them as they strutted about in apparent confident security. At a preconcerted signal, bang went three pieces, and a like number of fine birds were sprawling on the ground. As the remainder took the wing, our reserved fire brought down two more. We were several hours without getting another opportunity, and then only a chance shot on the wing.

Towards evening both parties returned, loaded with twelve as fine turkeys as ever graced a larder. They are better than the tame bird, having a fine wild-fowl flavour. The wing is coloured meat, the leg and breast being white.

Another day was spent in fishing on a large lake into which the river discharges itself, and as several gentlemen lived around it, we made an excursion to one of their houses. It seemed almost a fac-simile of Blenheim, wanting, however, the chief attraction there, and the comforts attending it. Besides these, and other sports by day, we had others by the moonlit nights in shooting the opossum and spearing the dingoes. Of the former, when the moon was in the full, we had two or three trials. With dogs trained for the sport, we started for the forest. Shortly after