Page:Village life in Korea (1911).djvu/162

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Village Life in Korea.

found these same sleepy-looking streets simply buzzing with people, every one bent on selling or buying something. And even now, if he would get on a wheel and take a spin outside the gate for a few miles, he would find the road crowded with men and boys who had already come into the city from a distance of many miles, sold their produce, and are now far on the way back home.

The farmer rises early, has his breakfast, and goes out to work. About nine o'clock his wife comes out to the field with a "snack," which he eats, and after having a smoke he lies down for a nap. Here he is seen by the globe-trotter, who again cries out "lazy!" at the same time forgetting that this man was at work while he was having his morning nap. At noon he goes to his house and takes a square meal of rice and kimchie and takes another little nap, after which he returns to the field and works till time to have the afternoon "snack," which is similar to the one in the forenoon. Then, after another long smoke, he goes to work and continues as long as he can see.