Page:Village life in Korea (1911).djvu/170

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Village Life in Korea.

with his small adz, chisel, and maul digging out these shoes from a block of wood. They are so shaped that they fit the foot and need no fastening of any sort to hold them on. Two blocks protrude from the bottom about three inches, thus keeping the feet from the snow and mud. These shoes are worn by all classes and all ages, the little tots wearing them from the time they can walk.

The pipe-maker is an important mechanic, since nearly all the men and many of the women smoke the filthy weed, and all use the same style pipe. They are made of a composition of copper and tin, the best quality being made of silver. The pipe-maker often takes his kit of tools on his back and makes the round of the markets, setting up shop for a few hours at a time by the roadside wherever he is needed. In addition to his pipe-making, he takes small jobs such as would usually go to the tinker for repairs.

In all these different trades there is nothing that corresponds to the factory, but the work in all these various lines is carried on in a part of the house occupied by the workmen. Some of the trades which call for much room, such as pottery-making, tanning, and so forth, have houses for the purpose, which may be apart from the dwelling.