Page:Village life in Korea (1911).djvu/260

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Village Life in Korea.

to grow in grace as his body gradually grew weaker, being destroyed by tuberculosis. He continued to travel, sell Scriptures, and preach till he was so weak that he could no longer go, and he was compelled to remain in his room. It was about this time that he told how one night he could not sleep. He was busy examining his heart to see if there were any unconfessed and unrepented sins therein. He realized that he did not love his wife as he ought; and realizing that this was sin, he called his wife from her sleep in the next room and told her all about it and promised to love her as long as he lived. I fancy that in all the history of Korea he was the first man that ever thus made love to his wife at midnight.

The night he went home one of his Christian neighbors called early in the evening to watch by him, and, seeing that the end was near, went out to call another friend. He was gone only a few minutes, and on his way back all at once the sky above and the earth around him were lighted up as with a great light. Looking up, he saw a great, bright light falling from the sky; and when it was just over the straw-thatched house in which lay the dying saint, it burst and disappeared. He entered the room and found Mr. Yun dead. This light greatly impressed those who saw it, and they said the Lord loved him so well that he sent a light to lead him up to heaven. We who did not see it may say it was only a meteor, and perhaps we are right. But who knows but that it was sent just at that time for a purpose; and, after all, maybe the simple village folk were right.