Page:Village life in Korea (1911).djvu/280

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Village Life in Korea.

of anything like that before. He took the man in charge and wrote to the governor to know what was to be done with a man who thus confessed his sins and claimed to be forgiven by God. The governor replied that he should be pardoned and set free, which was done at once, the officer giving him a little money to help him on his way.

The direct answers to prayer have been many and unmistakably clear. Sometimes the sick have been restored to health, and insane people have been restored to their right minds. Often the entire night has been spent in prayer. One night I woke just at midnight and heard the voice of prayer going up from a women's prayer meeting that was being held in the house of one of our Bible women. We afterwards learned that these meetings continued for several nights. At one of our churches in the city of Seoul there was a group of faithful women who were very anxious that a lady missionary should be sent to them for the next year, as they had never had a lady who could give much time to teaching them. There had been talk of moving that church to another part of the city, and this was a great sorrow to many of the members. They also wanted an organ in their church. Just at the time of our annual meeting, which met that year in Songdo, sixty miles away, these faithful ones decided to give themselves up to prayer, and so for several nights they met in the church and prayed till after midnight for the three objects above mentioned. None of the missionaries knew anything about this prayer meeting till after it was all over. At that an-